Chapter 22: A Look at the Future

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Assault Carrier JCN Mirangal II, Esperanto Airspace, Midnight 26th December 1639 CCY

The prisoners of war are gathered onboard the Mirangal II for interrogation. All of the Black Armor Knights belong to the Heiskanen Kingdom as well as the mastermind of the invasion: Daxdild.

"Let me go now, you lowly human!" – Daxdild

The Annonriali prisoner keeps struggling to break out of the jail cell onboard the Assault Carrier Mirangal II. He keeps on banging on the door. Yet, despite his defiant attitude, no one seems to care. He keeps on banging. The Japanese captors had put a collar around his neck, sealing in his mana. Now, with his ability to use magic permanently sealed until the collar is removed, his little pathetic light wings also disappear.

"Damn you!" – Daxdild

The door suddenly opens, and two Garmillian guards go in, punch that pathetic face, and push him down. He yelped like the people that he forced into the mana forge to supply magic power to the weather control device. The yelping is even more... weak and pathetic. At least the people who he murdered look at him defiantly. This... member of a subspecies that once ruled the world, in Nosrogath's words, couldn't even keep his head up. Pathetic to its core.

"Well, General Bahara, you say this guy is the one that controlled you and release the demon lord Nosrogath?" – Captain Neredia Rikke

"Yes, Captain Rikke. He's the one that woke up the demon lord, kidnapped our princess, and controlled our mind to fight for him." – Oni General Bahara

"B-bahara... y-you traitor! Get me out... of here." – Daxdild

"Keep the war criminal silence. Carry him to the interrogation room." – Neredia

The troopers once again subdued Daxdild. In the Japanese's eyes, this guy doesn't even have a thing called "human rights" after they discovered what he had done.

"Well, don't worry General Bahara, we'll get the location of your princess and rescue her. We promise you that much." – Neredia

"Thank you, captain... oh, please, one more thing. Can you tell the Esperantians that... we warriors of the Heiskanen are very sorry for what we have done. We're willing to accept their punishment if needed, but please ask them to spare our country, as we are as much of a victim as them." – Bahara

"We'll talk to them for you." – Neredia

"Thank you, Captain." – Bahara

The Oni General is then led back to his cell. He will be released in a few days, back to his country. For the war criminal called Daxdild, however, his nightmare has just begun. Deemed too dangerous to be released, sunlight is something Daxdild will never see again unless permitted, for he has to repent for his crime.

27th December 1639 CCY, Esperanto Kingdom

A new day has emerged in the kingdom of Esperanto. The sun is shining brighter than ever before, unobstructed by the thick clouds. The terrible battle yesterday has already faded in the mind of the people as if it was a lie. Instead, the refugees from the two breached districts are singing songs while rebuilding their hometowns. The people are looking at the majestic line of beautiful flying battleships flying above their country. They look at them as a symbol of hope. They remember the last line in the Prophecy of Esperanto: "Your story is now yours to decide." Brimming with hope, the people now joined hands to work on the rebuilding.

"Such... wonderful sight... I have never thought I'd live to see a day like this." – Esperanto Zamenhof XXVII

"Yes, your majesty. I wish every day can be this beautiful." – Morgenthau Wyvreux

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