Chapter 24: Events in Motion

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Otaheit Harbor, Navy's Sector, Otaheit, Mu, 1st January 1640 CCY

"Hot damn, chief, that thing is as big as the Arue Fortress!"

"Yeah, look at those guns. I think our arty boys will be salivating at those calibers."

"Hey now, touche guys."

Laughter rings up as the people in the Otaheit Harbor are looking at the arriving Japanese ships. Unlike the harbor in Parpaldia, the Otaheit harbor is much more developed to accommodate the larger ship from both the first and second civilization zone. In fact, if the Japanese were to come a few months earlier, they could have parked next to the HME's Mithril-class battleships that came over for the annual diplomatic visit and naval exercise.

"But yeah, those guns look hot. They look much bigger than even the HME's gun. I reckon that big green ship has somewhere in the ballpark of 400mm or more. And that big grey ship... I can't even think of what caliber that she has."

The artillery officer looks at the guns of the JCN Vem Heidern and JCN Musashi and estimates their caliber. Such large calibers of guns were unheard of before. Even the Milishial guns only go up to 380mm. Though, there are some rumors about the Gra Valkan that say they have similar if not bigger ones. The validity of those rumors is not yet validated, but it's no denying that one ship of the Gra Valkan Navy had devastated Leifor's capital after the kingdom of declared war on the GVE after its ally, the Paganda was invaded by them. But, it was the short-sighted Pagandese bastards who murdered a Gra Valkan diplomat, so Mu has no reason to step in. Watching the devastation caused by one single GVE battleship, everyone was scared. The only hope of the people here is that this would spark new developments for Mu's military.

The battleships of Japan are now docking in the harbor. The workers with heavy equipment tie the ships to the piers. Finally, the ramps up to the battleships are opened. Walking out are Vice Fleet Admiral Fommt Berger, Diplomat Sakura Furukawa, and some aids. At the end of the ramp are the people from the Royal Muan Navy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"We are very honored to meet you, gentlemen. I am Vice Fleet Admiral Fommt Berger of the Japan Cosmos Navy." – Fommt

"Likewise, I am Sakura Furukawa of Japan Foreign Affairs Ministry." – Sakura

"I am lieutenant Mikage Kiryu from JCN science division. I am honored to meet you." – Kiryu

Admiral Fommt and Lieutenant Kiryu salute the Muans in the traditional Garmillian way, and Sakura bows down to greet them. The Muans are a bit perplexed at the admiral's skin tone.

"Well... welcome to Mu, Admiral Fommt, Lieutenant Kiryu, and Ms. Sakura. We are honored to have you as our guests. I am Yuhi Blanc from Mu Ministry of Foreign Affairs." – Yuhi

"Nice to meet you all. I am Fleet Admiral Raider Arnaud of Muan Royal Navy." – Raider

"It's an honor to meet you, I am Technical Major Myrus Leclerc. I'll be your guide for the duration of your stay in Mu." – Myrus

"Well, we are very sorry for the delay in sending a delegation to Mu, Mr. Yuhi. As you know, our last delegation had to divert to manage an emergency in Topa. I hope that Mu won't take any displeasure in that." – Sakura

"Oh no, please do not worry. We understand perfectly the threat coming from the Grameus continent. In fact, we can't thank you enough. Please, the king would love to express his gratitude to Japan. Had you guys not intervened, the whole population of Philades, as well as our people there would be placed in grave danger." – Yuhi

"We're just doing our job." – Fommt

The two delegations exchange greetings to each other, then they both get on the cars provided by the Muan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The cars look quite similar to an elongated Rolls Royce Phantom III of the 30s. The cars all have a black finish with silver trim and are emblazed with the insignia of the United Kingdom of Mu. The soldiers open the doors for the delegations. Admiral Raider stays behind, as he doesn't want to interfere with the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Myrus is sitting in front and driving the car. The rumbling engines roar up to life, and they drive off the harbor.

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