Chapter 28: International Incident

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Amanoki, Fenn, 12th February 1640 CCY

The fleet of Japan Cosmos Navy has arrived at the port of Amanoki. Now, everyone is preparing for the highly anticipated military parade on Yashima Square in the capital of Fenn tomorrow. Despite its being only a short parade, the people are really looking forward to what the Japanese Cosmos Marine is going to bring out after being impressed with the Fleet Review. On the other hand, Lieutenant General Bertran, who is recuperating from the sea sickness is reading some of the letters to him from an anonymous sender. There had been some rough sea in the way of them while they are being transported to Fenn, and of course, this meant he did not watch what the Japanese brought out just for a demonstration.

"Hmph... the glory of the Empire is fading, and if you are a patriot, you must act? Tch... if only..." – Bertran

Suddenly, somebody knocks on the door to his cabin. On a sailing ship, space is at a premium as most of them are dedicated to weaponry and other equipment, so only highly ranked personnel are given a dedicated room, the rest have to make do on hammocks stringed across the ship.

"Who's that?" – Bertran

"Sir, it's me Yosh." – Yosh

"Come in." – Bertran

"Yes sir!" – Yosh

The door opens, comes in an officer of the Parpaldian Army. He's wearing a typical uniform issued by the army.

"How's the preparation for the Parade?" – Bertran

"Sir! Our troops and land dragons are as ready as ever! I think those barbarians will understand why they should do their best to keep themselves in our good grace." – Yosh

"Good. So, what of the Director Elto, Director Kaios, and Admiral Armos?" – Bertran

"Erm... they have departed earlier sir. They say that they are going to meet an acquaintance." – Yosh

"Is that so? Who might that be, I wonder. What else have they said?" – Bertran

"They say that since... Fenn is now a partner with Japan, we should be on our best behavior to not only the Japanese but also the Fennese." – Yosh

"What?! To those barbarians?! Tch... fine." – Bertran

Bertran now stands up and put the letter into his pocket. He goes over to his cabinet and takes out his jacket and personal weapon. His adjutant, worrying about his health, asks him what he's doing.

"I am going into the town. I feel a bit stuffy on this ship. I should feel better when I touch the ground. Do you want to join me?" – Bertran

"Yes sir." – Yosh

The pair goes down to the lower deck of the ship they are on, then they take a pair of horses to ride into the capital of Amanoki. On the way, side eyes were given to them. But they don't mind that. As they are riding along the road, Bertran begins to notice some peculiar differences. The road is wider, with some posts put up along it, and the sides of the road are raised, and that's where most people are walking. He can surmise that those posts are for lighting, but he can't tell if they are powered by magic gems or something else. Suddenly, two Fennese Gendarmeries blow their whistles and stop the pairs.

"Halt! You can't use your horse here!" – Fennese MP

Bertran and Yosh stop before the Fennese Gendarmeries. Yosh rides ahead and with a tone of superiority, he ordered the sentries to get out of the way. The pair of Gendarmeries now take their rifles off of the shoulder straps and hold them ready.

"You barbarians! Don't you know who you are stopping?! You are standing in front of Lieutenant General Bertran, you better get out of the way at once!" – Yosh

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