Chapter 52: Mihi Vindictam, Ego Retribuam

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Albion Castle, Holy Milishial Empire, 23rd March 1640 CCY

"Oh... Your Majesty? Are you finished early with today's briefing?" – Lyari, First Prince of Milishial

"Lyari? I am just looking for you." – Lucius Erudato-Horourein De Milishial VIII, Blessed Emperor of Holy Milishial Empire, Defender of Magic, and Protector of Elysia

"Yes, I am here for your command, Your Majesty." – Lyari

"There is no one here, just call me grandfather, Lyari." – Lucius

"Yes... grandfather..." – Lyari

The prince walks toward the table where his grandfather is sitting. He sits down at the tea table in front of it and sits down on the couch. On the table, he can still see the frame placed downward, hiding a magic picture framed in it. His grandfather lays down the pen and then walks over to the table.

"Lyari, have a look at this." – Lucius

The Protector of Elysia puts a viewing globe on the table. It turns on and projects a video recording with the help of magic. The magic video, evidently taken from far away with the present visual artifacts, depicts two warships fighting against a horde of wyverns using weapons that are only supposed to exist in legends. Magic Guided Light Arrow, as the people called them. The fearsome weapon of the Ravernal Empire of old.

"Light Arrows..." – Lyari

"Yes. These are not Japanese vessels..." – Lucius

"They are Fennese. So the Japanese have indeed given their weapons to countries outside of the Civilized Area." – Lyari

"Well... that's the least of our concerns now, Lyari. I suppose that project of yours is proceeding well?" – Lucius

"No... I'm ashamed to say this, but we have a bit of trouble replicating the guidance system. Yet... these people can make their light arrows to target flying targets. But you say that's the least of my concerns, grandfather?" – Lyari

"Yes. This is what I think we should all be concerned about." – Lucius

The Emperor changes the video on display again. This time, it is in the Parpaldia Empire. It's dark at night. But using the advanced optic, the Holy Milishial Empire Intelligence Bureau can still see clearly a figure clad in black armor. The problem here is this individual is flying. This person is casting quite a formidable shield to protect the convoy from below. Then... he hears it...

"Niflheim... Muspelheim..." – Mage

"Hm...?"– Lyari

"You seem not as shocked as some others, Lyari. Well... after all, you are the only person besides this individual that can cast those two magic by yourself." – Lucius

"This mage... is from Japan...?" – Lyari

"Yes... I believe he..." – Lucius

"No... that mage is a girl..." – Lyari

"A girl...?" – Lucius

"Yes... grandfather. An adorable one at that." – Lyari

Lyari focuses on the image of the mage. There are few things that can be hidden from his mystic eyes. And he's focusing on the mage. He lets out a little smile.

"So she's a mage on par with your level?" – Lucius

"No... grandfather... even I can't cast grand disaster-level magics that quickly and consistently. Even with the great amount of Mana inherited from... well... I won't be able to stand after casting those two spells back to back." – Lyria

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