Chapter 45: The Rally Through Ramstein

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Ramstein Mountain Range, Reitzenberg Province, Gra Valkas Empire 11th March 1640 CCY

A red car is racing through the path carved into the side of the Ramstein Mountain Range. Kicking up dirt as the engine roars, the car is practically flying. For years, this mountain range has divided the Reitzenberg domain into two, with one in the south much more prosperous because of its access to the sea, able to build up a massive ship-building industry and trade network. Meanwhile, the northern part is much less developed, with many still relying on agriculture as the sole industry of the region. For more than 80 years, the road that had been meticulously carved into the mountain was the sole trade link between the North and South. It was like that until two railroad lines were built.

The mountain pass is still used extensively not just by the people, but also by the military with the establishment of the Ramstein base nearby. With that in mind, the road has been widened greatly to accommodate two large trucks passing through at the same time. However, it is still a very treacherous stretch of road. The bottom of the ravine is about hundreds of meters below, ensuring one wrong turn and the people will be guaranteed death.

Aside from the dangerous conditions, the road is also very remote, if a car breaks down, the people can only reach the next city, Reitzenberg, on foot for the next two weeks. This mountain range is also home to dangerous wolves, bears, and mountain lions. It is very bad if you get stranded here, especially without any arms to defend yourself. But there are still daredevils that often hold championships here every two years, daring each other to race past not just this mountain pass, but also the whole continent of Deimoska. This red car, however, is not one of the ones that participate in the biannual race.

"H-Hey! J-just...slow down! I appreciate your offer of driving me back to Reitzenberg... but be careful! There's a sharp corner!! AAAAHHHHH!!!" – Noah

The car, not slowing down, keeps speeding up with all of its aggression. The back of it slides around the curve, with the front wheels steered in the wrong direction. Yet, it slides graciously around the corner, driving straight out of it. The snow is making it worse for Noah, as the visibility is reduced, and he can feel the wheel slipping slightly with every turn. Of course, he loves driving, but not like the Kronzprinze, who is a certified endurance rally driver with two championships on his belt. The LED light mounted on the front end of the red car is shining at its maximum power like the overworking windscreen wipers. Yet... it still feels like they are going blind gradually.

"Yeah well, weren't you the one so anxious to go home?! Then stop yelling like I'm not supposed to be the woman in this car! Shouldn't you be thinking about your father right now?" – Mako

"Y-yeah! But it's dangerous! Slow the hell down! We're going to crash or fall off a cliff at this rate!!" – Noah

Earlier, Ramstein Training Base, Reitzenberg Province, Gra Valkas Empire

"Don't worry about it, Princess. Consider it a payment from the Empire for teaching my soldiers your way of fighting." – Gra Lux

"Y-your Majesty... I... but... I didn't do anything worth noting..." – Princess Mirai

Seeing the humble princess being flustered by the sudden generous gift from the Kaiser, Gra Cabal cannot help but chuckle. He knows, however, that there's no way to avoid accepting the gift from his father. As the Kaiser is very insistent, and denying the gift from the emperor could be seen as an insult. He steps up beside the princess and places a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.

"It's alright, Yu... Princess Mirai. Just accept it. You did very well today. In fact, if you're a Gra Valkan, I think even the General Director would love to have you in the Imperial General Staff." – Gra Cabal

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