13 - Love You Honestly

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Next morning,the news about who stabbing Nao Waruto and Uenoyami Yaitako become hit.All student talking about it because it was big case.The case saying that they found the killer and got arrested at the police station now.

"Let's visit them after school,"said Futaka.

"I'll join.but let's stop somewhere bring something can cheer them."said Illiah.

"I wanna join too so we can study before the test soon!"said Iruka.

Everyone talking about visit them at the hospital.Reika heard their conversation and ask them if she can join them after school too.They just nodded and will be meet at the gate after school.


"mom dad..i am really fine.You guys should continue your work..."

"How can you say that??? You made everyone worry about you knowing you suddenly disappear at your room!!"said Tenn as he scold Riku.Riku just smiling and accept the lecture that given by Tenn.

"but still,I can't go to school...I really don't believe it could be happen on me..."said Sarah.

"start from today,Sarah,if you want to go home,please call me first,I will pick you at Riku's house."said Kazuya.

"Riku,please don't do that again..."said Nishi as he pat Riku's head.

"okay..i am really sorry,I thought it just a dream...hehehe"said Riku.

Ritsu knew that Riku faking his laugh and saw his hand were trembling but he manage to hide it in front of them.

"I will go buy something for you to eat,just stay here and don't go anywhere."said Miyou.

"Okay mom,I will.."said Riku while smiling.

Everyone leave the room leaving Riku alone.Honestly their's leg almost gave out.Miyou almost faint after hearing news about Riku got hurt.Sarah about to lost her strength to stand up when she saw Riku protect her from the killer that intend to kill her meanwhile Tenn were crying because he can't hold it anymore.All of them were scared to death because of the incident yesterday.

"..this is my fault..if I believe Riku's word yesterday,he won't get hurt like this..."said Miyou.

"Tell mom?Did Riku say something nonsense yesterday before the tragedy?"Tenn ask as he was curious.

"When me and your father walking to say goodbye and thank to Yamato-kun and Gaku-kun,Riku shout something and telling me Sarah in danger but I don't believe him because thought he just had bad dream but he running away..."said Miyou.

"How Riku know where Sarah was?"Ritsu ask.

"It's must his 'friend' telling him the way and what will happen.Remember Riku had special ability that we don't have."said Tenn.

"But..if weren't Riku save me..maybe i-"

"Today,Mrs Nanase,can you take care of Sarah for a few night?..i will pay her needs.."said Kazuya.

"It's no problem for me if Sarah-san want to stay but I don't accept anything from you because I already seen Sarah as my daughter too.You don't have to pay be back okay?"said Miyou.


"We told you,we are fine with it.She always welcomed by us to come here include you Kazuya."said Nishi.

Kazuya were smiling and feeling greatful that he still found another kind people like this.

"I really thankful for everything you guys did to Sarah.She were lucky to have meet you."said Kazuya while bowing at them.

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