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prompt requested by @hocushenry2000

Theo hovers around Liam and Mason is trying to figure out why...

Theo stood besides Liam eyes never leaving the betas. "What's the plan?" Theo asks making Mason turn to look at him.

"Why are you here again?" Mason retorts looking him up and down, he wasn't exactly Theo's biggest fan, that was obvious.

"He's helping us" Liam says side eyeing Theo.

"With what? We're going to watch a movie" Mason snorts.

"What if something happens? Monroe is still alive we don't know if she'll return" Liam explains looking at Mason with hopeful eyes, hoping his best friend would understand.

"if you wanted to invite him to the movies with us you could of just said that" Mason laughs catching Liam off guard.

Liam shakes his head "Mason" liam says warningly "it's just better to be safe, can't hurt to have another werewolf with us."

"Bro he's not even a full werewolf"

"if someone comes what are you going to do Mason? Liam would have to fight them alone, you can't protect yourself let alone him. I can" Theo explained, "let's just watch this movie".

Liam nods as they walk into the cinema, sitting between Theo & Mason "popcorn?" Theo smirks offering his snacks to Liam & Mason.

"You probably poisoned them" Mason half jokes refusing, he appreciated the offer but he wasn't about to be Theo's best friend.

"Sorry about him I think he's still mad at you" Liam says.

"You're not?" Theo asks, his eyes full of hope. The idea of Liam hating him hurt, he knew he deserved it but god it hurt.

"I stopped hating you a while ago" Liam admits, before Theo could reply the movie started...which Liam was thankful for.

Mid way during the movie Theo stretched out his arm behind Liam making Mason scoff "really dude?" Mason questions.

"What? My arms sore" Theo smirked, Liam was too focused on the movie to even realise they were talking.

"Smooth" Mason said rolling his eyes and going back to the movie. Once the movie was over Liam insisted they had to get ice cream, "fine but you're paying," Mason remarked as they walk outside to the small ice cream parlour.

Theo smiled when he saw all the options "I haven't had ice cream since I was a kid," he said softly.

Liam looked up at him "get whatever you want," Liam insisted, Theo's smile widens and he nods. The thought of Theo's childhood- or lack of, really didn't sit right with the beta.

Mason ended up getting strawberry while Liam & Theo had both gotten choc chip. "Thanks for bringing me along," Theo says mainly to Liam.

"Anytime, can never be too cautious right?" he said looking away knowing he was lying to himself.

Theo gave a slight laugh nodding "definitely".


"Why do you seem to just appear out of thin air" Mason snapped looking up to see none other then Theo, "you don't even play lacrosse!"

"Liam does," Theo reminded before looking back at Mason with a smirk, appreciating Mason scooting over so Theo could sit beside him.

"You know Liams not gay right?" Mason states reminding Theo. He knew Theo was gay, he knew when they first met. It was obvious to him, maybe it was a gay thing.

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