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Prompt: Liam get's jealous of Theo and Corey hanging out and and gets upset. Theo comes after him and his true feelings are revealed.

Liam sat on the couch and tapped his fingers on his knee. He tried to focus on the movie in front of him but all he could see was the love of my life making kissy faces at that slut. He scowled down at his chest and I felt Scott's hand on my back. I looked over to him and he looked apologetic. Yeah, everyone in the pack knew that Liam loved Theo, except for Theo himself.

"You alright?" Scott asked quietly. I shook my head but then shook it again to fix the curls that had gone out of place. Liam grabbed a pillow off the floor and cuddled it in his arms as he tried to focus on the film.

Liam could hear the sounds of kissing in my ear and he saw Theo and Tracy sucking each other's faces off again. Instead of just ignoring it, he threw down the pillow and got up off the couch. Liam walked out of the room silently and he heard a call come after him.

"Liam," said Theo from behind him. Liam stopped in his tracks and dared to look over his shoulder at him. His big green eyes were confused and he was fiddling with his hands nervously.

"What?" Liam asked, not harshly but it just showed irritation – only a little though. "I was wondering where you were going?" Theo asked innocently. "Bathroom," Liam lied. He turned away and walked straight into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Liam collapsed on my bed and cuddled up next to his pillow and let a stray tear fall. He hated how much he loved him. He hated how Theo couldn't see it. He wished that his pillow was Theo...

Liam cuddled the pillow tighter and let another tear fall. He pulled my phone out of his pocket slowly and brought it up near my ear. He found the right song and pressed play so it quietly played. Theo's voice sung quietly in my ear as I listened to his cover of 'Look After You'.

"Oh, oh, oh, be my baby. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, I'll look after you," Liam sung quietly along with him. There was a light knock at his door and he quickly turned off his music and wiped his eyes before getting off the bed. Liam opened my door and saw Theo standing there with his eyes watering a little.

"Theo?" Liam asked. A tear escaped the corner of his eye and Liam pulled him into my arms. He wrapped himself around him and Liam held him close as he cried silently into his shoulder.

"Theo, what happened?" Liam asked softly. "Tracy, cheated on me," He sobbed. That bitch, I knew she was a slut and would hurt Theo! "How'd you find out?" Liam asked him. He quickly closed the door and pulled him onto the bed where Liam cradled him in my arms.

Rage boiled inside of him but Theo was the only thing on his mind at the moment. "She got a text but she didn't hear it so I picked up her phone for her and I saw the message and..." He sobbed a little harder and Liam held him closer as he clung to his t-shirt. Liam rubbed his back soothingly and kissed the top of his head. He somehow got closer to him and just cried.

"Its gonna be ok Theo," Liam told him. He pulled his head away from my chest and looked up at him with his big watery eyes. "You sure?" He asked like a child.

"I know it is," Liam told him. He just nodded and cuddled him. Liam laid him down so they were both lying down and Liam wrapped his arms around him as he curled in his chest. Liam couldn't help but think how perfectly he fitted there.

After a couple minutes of just holding him he moved a little so his face was next to mine. His eyes were red-rimmed and Liam used his thumb to wipe under his eyes. His smooth skin sent tingles on his thumb and throughout his hand. If only he knew this is how I felt every time I touched him.

"Liam," He said quietly. We were so close that Liam could practically taste his breath. "Yeah?" Liam replied. "How do you know when you're in love?" He asked. Liam took a moment to think and rested his hand on the small of his back.

"For me, when you're in love, it's like nothing else matters but them. They send tingles down your spine and can make you have them on your mind twenty-four/seven. Whenever they smile at you, your heart flutters like a million butterflies. You always want to hold them, protect them and make sure that the whole world knows their yours. They will do anything for them even if they don't know or understand the love they have for them," Liam said adding on the last point as he looked down.

Theo was quiet but Liam felt his hand move and lift up his chin. Liam looked into his deep eyes and he didn't do anything. He was getting closer and all Liam could think of is how close his lips were. Their foreheads touched and Liam was screaming at myself inside to close the distance between us.

Liam moved closer a little bit and my lips lightly brushed over his. It sent every particle in me into a wild frenzy. It was only light but it was one of the best feelings ever. Liam's lips were still lightly brushing over his and my eyes were closed.

"Are you gonna kiss me or tease me until I do?" Theo mumbled against his lips. Liam smiled a little before closing the distance fully and pressing his lips against Theo's. He kissed back almost immediately and Liam took in everything.

His touch, his smell, his taste... Oh god, he tasted amazing. My mouth parted slightly and I licked his bottom lip. Theo opened up for me and I slid my tongue into his mouth and took in everything.

He tasted amazing and it set Liam's body on fire. Liam pulled away a little and so did Theo. He placed a soft kiss on his lips once more before fully pulling back. I caught my breath but didn't once leave much distance between himself and Theo.

"Liam, I think I'm in love with you," Theo said breathlessly. Liam smiled wildly and pressed his lips against his again. He kissed back as Liam rolled him over so Liam was on top of him. Liam pulled up and moved his hands so they were on either side of his head. Liam lifted one up so he could push back his hair that had moved into his eyes.

"I'm in love with you too," Liam told him. He smiled up at me brightly and Liam pressed his forehead against his. They didn't move or even make a sound. All there was, was the sound of their beating hearts and breathing.

I was with the one I loved and he loved me back. Nothing could stop me now. "Took you guys long enough," a voice voice said from the door way. Liam jumped up and saw Corey there with a bag of crisps smiling at them. He walked away with a smile on his face and he looked back at Theo confused.

"I kinda told Corey that I liked you," Theo blushed. "All the pack knew that I loved you," Liam confessed. His eyes widened and Liam laughed a little breathlessly. Theo kissed him again lightly before he could talk and his hands rested on my hips. He flipped us over and Liam smiled against the kiss.

"I love you Liam Dunbar," Theo whispered in his ear as he pulled away from the kiss. "I love you too Theo Raeken," Liam smiled back. He laughed a little and Liam just held him close, just happy to be living in this current moment.

A/N: kinda sad? Kinda fluffy... either way I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot!

Published: 7th July 2023
Word count: 1366

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