Cold Nights

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Prompt: Theo and Liam have to wait it out at the zoo because the hunters won't leave and Liam didn't bring a jacket :'))))))

Also can we please admire the fanart I've added. I did not make this! Found on tumblr but I am obsessed with it!

For ellaraeken <3

"This is ridiculous, we can take them," Liam hissed, he knew his anger was justified. Theo just didn't know why, but he knew Liam was on edge.

He knew the beta was obviously triggered by something, he didn't get angry over nothing. But Liam refused to open up to him, refused to let him in.

He had quite literally thrown himself and Nolan off the edge of the structure. Then he has tried to murder the frightened hunter, to say tonight would be long would be an understatement...

"Get back," Theo said for what felt like the hundredth time today. Liam eyed him but continued to peer his head around the corner of their new hiding spot.

Theo pulled Liam back which resulted in a glare from the beta. "Don't look at me like that," Theo said, his eyes trailing up and down Liam's figure.

"Don't touch me then-" Liam snapped back.

Their eye contact lasted longer then Liam would have liked, he didn't know what it was about the chimera. Despite everything he had done, he found himself feeling rather comfortable with him.

That couldn't be right though, he was the former bad guy? But so was Peter and Duecalion... people are capable of change. Theo could be capable of change, at least Liam hoped he was.

"You going to keep staring at me?" Liam asked annoyed, Theo's eyes rolled back and he leaned against the wall.

"They're not going to find us here, we should try to relax," Theo said.

Liam practically scoffed at his words, shaking his head before looking back around the corner. "My god Liam, why can't you just tell me what's wrong?" Theo snapped, his patience wearing thin.

"Nothings wrong, back off!" Liam hissed, not liking how close Theo now was.

The chimera's face close enough that Liam could feel his breath on his cheek, "stop yelling, are you trying to get us caught?" Theo said. Liam ignored him, turning back to look out. Watching as a hunter walked past their spot, a gun in his hand. "That is what you want? Isn't it? You want them to find us..." Theo said.

Liam again, didn't respond. Theo could sense the fear and anger radiating off him. If Theo could read aura's he was sure Liam's would be red, the fire within the beta would be shinning around him.

"Liam, talk to me. What's wrong?" Theo asked, this time in a softer tone. He heard Liam sigh, his body had visibly relaxed as he leaned against the cement wall.

His brown hair cascading over his face, "I'm fine," Liam said.

His tone was almost exasperated as he spoke, he didn't have the energy. His shoulder slumped as he mentally repeated his mantra, desperately trying to keep ahold of whatever control he had left.

"Liam," Theo said, catching the betas attention. His saddened blue eyes met Theo's curious green ones, "what's going on with you? I'm not asking because I want to know, I'm asking because I care," Theo said.

Liam's mind blanked, all that he could think of was the time Mason had said those exact words to him. Theo cared. Theo wanted to help him, not because he's being nosey, but because he wants to help.

"I just don't like this place," Liam reluctantly said, avoiding Theo's gaze.

"Why?" Theo asked, of course he asked. Liam should have seen that coming, yet he didn't have an answer.

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