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prompt requested by @amaraxq00 @00waffles0 & @elliexraeken <3

We were robbed in this episode...I'm going to fix that for everyone...enjoy!

A/N: This book will include scenes from the episode as well as my own twist on it. Hope you enjoy! Also all my chapters contain swearing so enjoy lol!

"Stay where you are Liam, we don't know what they're planning. They wanted us separated, I'll figure out what to do but until then stay put." Scott declared on the phone to Liam.

Liam looked around "what do you want me to do with these werewolf's?" He asked looking at the 3 bodies on hospital beds unconscious.

"Leave them for now, are Mason & Corey with you?" Scott asked.

"No but they were on their way," Liam said shaking his head, "I shouldn't of asked them."

"It's ok you did the right thing just stay put I'll get help ok?" Scott said.

"From who?" Liam asked, their options were fairly limited.

"Just trust me."

"Ok, I trust you."

Hearing footsteps and voices Liam stayed near the door trying to listen in, "Cell phone jammer, big enough to block off entire contact in the whole hospital," he heard someone say, hearing him press a button. Good thing he had already spoken to Scott.

A few hours passed and Liam checked his phone, still unable to get in contact with anyone he was growing inpatient, looking out the door he couldn't see anyone, until he heard a metal sound behind him. Turning around he saw one of the 'werewolves' were hunters, aiming a gun directly at him.

Immediately ducking down he shot, missing Liam by inches, Liam charged at him, the hunter firing more shots but missing every bullet. Liam grabbed the gun off him and threw it across the room. He lifted the man and threw him out the doors.

The man slide against the wall unconscious. Liam eyed him before hearing guns load, "wait-" he heard. Turning to see 4 hunters including Gabe, "let me do it." Gabe smirked aiming his gun at Liam, locked and loaded. Liam looked up with wide eyes full of fear. Instinctively taking several steps back. "Go ahead Liam. Run...it'll be more fun that way." Gabe said in a sinister tone.

Liam continued backing up until he realises he's backed himself up against the elevator door. Frozen in fear he doesn't think to press the button to open it. Standing there he feels defeated, accepting his fate.

He's going to die.

He heard the elevator door ding, the doors open and Liam gasped surprised when he felt arms wrap around his neck while the other wrapped around his waist. Shots began firing and Liam felt himself being pulled back and pushed against the elevator walls, someone was leaning against him covering his back.

Once the doors shut the weight lifted off his back and he turned to see Theo next to him taking off his beanie. "What are you doing here?!" Liam exclaims confused and relived all at once.

Theo shook his head "I was just asking myself the same thing," they turned back to the door when bullets continue shooting at it.

"Why are you here?" Theo asked with furrowed brows in confusion.

"Nolan was showing me some bodies, he was trying to help but I guess they expected him to betray them. So now I guess we're the bait. Why are you here?" Liam replied wondering why Theo of all people would help him, again....But no answer.

40 minutes passed and Liam was listening through the elevator doors, "still out there?" Theo asked, Liam looked up at him and nodded. "Look I'm not dying for you," Theo stated before stepping closer to Liam.

Thiam - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now