Keep a piece of me

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Prompt: Liam is wearing Theo's shirt in the final episode, I'm going to explain how & why.

A/N: heavy detailed smut, swearing & a little bit of self hatrid

They won, the supernatural creatures of Beacon Hills won, they won the war. The war that Gerard was so hell bent on winning that he put hundreds of people's lives on the line to achieve it... he failed.

"You lost," Liam's husky voice spoke as he crushed the speaker in his hand. Watching as it crumbled to the ground he rose to his feet, green jacket catching Theo's attention as he hadn't properly noticed it prior considering he was busy saving the little wolf's life.

"Have you healed?" Liam asked, placing a hand on Theo's shoulder now that they were standing face to face again. His deep blue eyes scanned the area, "Theo, you're still bleeding."

Theo shook his head "it's dried," placing a finger on the almost healed wound he showed that the blood was in fact dry. "I'm a chimera Liam, I don't heal as fast as you do." Liam nodded, taking his hand back and giving the wound another quick glance.

"Does it hurt?" he asked noticing the way Theo would wince every so often, given the fact that the injury was by his shoulder- an area of the body that moves more than people realise.

"Not anymore," Theo shrugged, he wasn't sure what to say or what to do. The war was over, that was why Liam brought him back. To fight the ghost riders and then the hunters started, and Theo was kept around to help, now what? Would he be sent back to the Skinwalker's? Was that all this was, just a temporary use of him?

"Guys," Liam turned to see it was Mason who had spoken, a soft smile and sigh of relief washed over Liam to see his best friend in one piece. Mason's arm wrapped around Liam's neck before resting on his shoulder, "so we won."

"We did."

"I hit someone with a bed pen," Mason chuckled at Liam's repulsed face, "pretty sure it wasn't empty though." He teased playfully before pulling back and giving Corey a nod, "we're gonna head home, do you need a lift? We're gonna take Nolan too, he's still pretty shaken up."

Liam didn't reply verbally, instead he turned to Theo. Silently asking if he could get a lift with him, he usually did. "I'll take him," Theo said, his voice firmer then he intended but he wasn't about to waste his last chance with Liam. If this was his last moments of freedom, then he wasn't going to waste it.

Liam nodded with a small smile, "I'll see you guys tomorrow." With that Liam waved them off with a thanks and watched as they exited the hospital, Scott's dad and the Sherriff were still taking photos and talking while Parrish was on the other side doing God knows what, they took it as their cue to leave as well.

"Come on," Liam said gently grabbing Theo's wrist and leading him out of the hospital. Theo turned and gave it a final glance, this place had single handily given him nightmares. This was what reminded him of Tara, but also Liam. The pair had found themselves here more than he liked to admit, but it was true.

Feeling his shoulder brush the door he heard it shut behind him, memories washing over him of the time he threw them open after yelling at Liam. He hadn't meant what he had said, he was just scared. Scared of being back inside that hell hole, scared of Liam getting hurt and scared of death.

"Why didn't you want to go with Mason?" Theo asked, his brows furrowing as he searched for answers in Liam's eyes. "He's your best friend, not me." Okay, that came out harsher than intended, but Theo was confused.

"Are we not friends?" Liam asked with a confused expression of his own, the pair had been through enough together. Theo had gone out of his way to ssave his life, again. Did that not mean anything to the chimera? "You didn't have to save me, you could have ignored Scott's call."

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