Daddy's Home

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Prompt: Liam's bio dad comes to visit for the weekend, but Theo now lives in the spare room. They have to share Theo's room until his father leaves.

A/N: swearing, daddy issues, childhood trauma & self inflicted injury

"I don't want him here," Jenna snapped, taking a deep breath before turning to David, "he's done nothing but cause our family stress and pain... I do not want him near my son."

Liam listened carefully, standing at the bottom of the stairs he could hear every word with his supernatural abilities, despite them trying to keep it quiet. "He never wants anything to do with Liam, I don't know why he insists on staying once a month..." David sighed, he wanted that man here as much as the rest of them.

"Because of his court file, he has to..." Jenna huffed. Life would have been easier if Dean had been arrested, charged but no. The evidence had not been enough for the pain Dean had caused her and Liam, instead she had 70% custody. It was better than half, but it still meant Liam had to see Dean.

He never wanted to; he didn't want anything to do with him. Whenever Dean did come Liam always locked himself in his room for the weekend, and if he had to leave he would jump out the window. He refused to be in the same room at that man, he knew he would lose control.

"What about Theo? We can't kick him out of his room," Jenna pointed out, that made Liam decide to make his presence known. Liam moved from the wall so that he was visible, "uh- how much did you hear?"

"I heard enough; we're not kicking Theo out of his room." Liam was adamant about that, he didn't drag Theo to his house and give him a room only to kick him out of it every month, so his stupid father had a room to stay in. "Make Dean sleep on the couch, he doesn't have to sleep in a bed- he doesn't deserve one."

"We can't do that Liam-"

"Why not? What did he ever do for us?" Liam spat back, his emotions always more heightened and on edge when his father was mentioned. He couldn't stand the man, he hated him.

"I don't mind," Theo perked up from his spot on the couch, nobody had even noticed he was there. "It's your house, I'm okay with whatever," he didn't want to be a hassle, it was already enough that they had taken him in, so he didn't have to continue living in his truck.

"No," Liam said shaking his head, his mind racing as he finally came up with an idea. "My room, he can have my room," Liam said looking back to his mother and stepdad, "me and Theo can just share his room and Dean can stay in my room."

"Why wouldn't we just give him my room and we share yours?" Theo asked but Liam was trying to show Theo he wasn't being replaced or kicked out.

"No, he's my problem, he can have my room." Liam stated, clearly not changing his mind about the situation. He didn't want Theo to lose his safe space, the space he considered his own. He couldn't bring himself to force Theo to lose that, "he will stay in my room."

Jenna nodded, knowing how stubborn and on edge Liam got when it came to his father, she didn't want to add to it. "Alright well he will be here at five, will you both be joining us for dinner?"

Liam said no the same time that Theo said yes, the beta flashed him a quick glare. "No, I'll get us pizza or something," Liam said shaking his head at Theo's response. The chimera had never met his bio dad and he wanted to keep it that way, it would be better for everyone.

"But your mums going to cook food," Theo objected but quickly shut his mouth when Liam's chemo signal shifted from nervous to angry, "let's go upstairs," Theo insisted and at first Liam was hesitant but when he felt Theo's hand around his arm, he took a breath and followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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