Stuffed Toy

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Prompt: Liam finds a stuffed wolf toy inside of Theo's truck, wanting to tease him for it he learns that it is the only thing Theo has left from his childhood. So like a good boyfriend, Liam spoils him!

Prompt Request: lambtoslaughter <3

A/N: a disgusting amount of fluff & cuteness

Car rides were one of their favourite thing to do together, they had many hobbies but nothing beat this. They always loved what they'd find, sometimes it was a cool abandoned shop and other times it was something as simple as a pretty plant.

Either way, they loved it. It gave them time to spend together away from the pack and the craziness of beacon hills. This particular time Liam decided to sit in the back so that he could stretch his legs, being in the front for so long had left the beta feeling cramped.

He knew Theo used to sleep in his truck before they started dating. So he knew the chimera was bound to have a pillow and blankets so Liam could get comfortable, they still had a long way before their next destination.

Upon going through Theo's blankets a small wolf jumped out at him, a stuffed wolf. Liam frowned, but upon further inspection he saw the wolves white fur. It was slightly stained and old but that only made Liam more curious.

"Teddy?" Liam said, catching Theo's attention. The chimera looked into the revision mirror, his heart dropped when he saw Liam wave the wolf in his face.

Theo pulled over, "where did you find that?" Theo asked.

Liam was taken back by Theo's abrupt behaviour, "uh, it was with the blankets-" Liam said, Theo took the wolf from him. "Why do you have it?" Liam asked, his voice hinting at a teasing tone.

Theo rolled his eyes, "it's nothing," he grumbled, Liam sighed.

"Come on tell me, why does the big bad chimera have a stuffed wolfie?" Liam asked amused, Theo let out a small growl and snatched the wolf from his boyfriends hands.

"Theo, don't snatch," Liam whined.

"Don't mock me," Theo retorted. Liam softened his expression upon realising he had actually upset Theo.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't realise it meant something to you. I wouldn't have said it if I knew," Liam said softly.

Theo turned his face, holding the wolf close he sighed, "it was the only thing I have left from my child hood. Tara gave it to me as a gift for my birthday... when the dread doctors took me it was the only thing I grabbed.." Theo explained.

"Teddy, I'm sorry," Liam said, his hand grabbing Theo's arm "I didn't mean to bring it up," he said. Theo nodded, handing the wolf back to Liam.

"I know you didn't mean it," Theo said softly. Liam felt bad, no. He felt like shit. He had to make it up to Theo. When they got home he had the perfect surprised planned, he knew what he could do to make Theo happy.


They had been home for a few days now, Liam knew exactly what to do. Theo had been out all day, running errands with Derek so that gave Liam time to set everything up.

He had gone a little crazy at the shop, he had originally intended on getting Theo another stuffed animal. A white wolf, considering that was Liam's fur when he shifted he thought that would be a cute surprise.

But then he saw a little stuffed sheep, and then a stuffed dog and then he found the cutest and fluffiest black cat. He couldn't help himself, after spending almost eighty dollars he stopped himself.

Arranging the toys on their bed he stepped back, Theo would going to freak out. Hearing his truck stop out the front Liam rushed downstairs, upon entering the home Theo frowned "what's wrong?" He asked.

Hearing Liam's erratic heartbeat sent Theo off, "no, uh nothings wrong. I'm good, great actually! How was Derek?" Liam asked trying to play it cool and failing miserably.

Theo squinted "it was fine... what are you up to?" He asked.

Liam sighed, "okay I know you said it wasn't a big deal about finding the wolf, but I felt bad," Liam said. Theo opened his mouth but Liam continued before he could interrupt.

"I got you something, now before you freak out. I did it because I love you," Liam said, Theo nodded. Although he was confused he trusted his partner, allowing Liam to lead him to their bedroom they stopped at the door.

"Close your eyes," Liam said, Theo obeyed. Closing his eyes Liam led him into their room, Liam was careful to make sure Theo didn't run into anything as he led him in front of their bed.

"Okay, open!" Liam chirped, the second Theo opened his eyes he was bombarded with colour. Pink, blue, black, white, green and even yellow, it was as of a rainbow had thrown up on their bed.

Walking forward he felt the tears well in his eyes, "why did you do this?" Theo asked

. Liam smiled, taking his boyfriends hand "because were a team, what makes you happy makes me happy," he said.

Grabbing the stuffed white wolf he handed it to Theo, "now we both have a wolf, it's white like me and it's eyes are even blue," Liam beamed. Theo put the wolf on the bed and cupped Liam's face.

"You are by far, the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Do you understand?" Theo said. His eyes glistening with tears and shining with love, Liam melted into his touch and nodded.

"I love you teddy," he said, placing a kiss on Theo's lips, the chimera pulled him in for a deeper one. The kiss was perfect, Liam's lips against his was something he could do over and over again. Forever.

This was perfect, Theo felt like the luckiest man on the planet. Liam was his, he was the most perfect, considerate and adorable boyfriend Theo could have ever hoped for, if only Tara could see him now...

A/N: Ahh I usually don't write a lot of fluff however I saw this prompt from lambtoslaughter and I really wanted to write it, it was way to cute to pass up! I hope you enjoyed it!

Published: 16th July 2023
Word count: 1042

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