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prompt requested by @littlechimera

We never actually found out how Liam got into Theo's car...or what really happened at the zoo...

A/N: This one shot will include scenes from the episode as well as my own twist on it. Hope you enjoy! Also all my chapters contain swearing lol.

Liam eyed his phone, battling with himself before he shook out any doubts and decided just to call Theo, "Hello?" He says when Theo answered.

"We'll if it isn't my favourite beta," Theo teased.

"Do you want me to hang up?" Liam said annoyed already regretting his decision.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Theo laughed.

"I need your help," Liam said, his voice full of uncertainly.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked immediately dropping his humours tone. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine I just need your help luring the hunters away from the armoury so Scott can get inside." Liam admitted.

Hearing Theo sigh Liam perked up, "fine where are you?"

"Thank you! I'm at home I can meet you out the front?" He asked.

"Alright I'll be there soon, you better have a plan because I'm not risking my life for you again," he teased before hanging up.

Liam shook his head. He knows it's wrong but after Theo saved him from the ghost riders, he couldn't help but lean towards trusting the chimera again, but on the other side he couldn't betray his pack either.

He knows Theo can redeem himself, he knows Theo isn't evil and he knows he can trust Theo. At least when it comes to fighting and having his back.


Theo pulled up out the front of Liam's house, "come on," he said before unlocking the door.

Liam jumped in "nice truck," he comments looking around. Noticing a pillow and blankets in the back "do you sleep in here?" He asked.

Theo immediately looks away, starting the car "I didn't exactly have a home to go back to," he remarked.

Liam nods realising it was a sore subject, "okay so the plan is Masons going to bring supplies, Nolan's going to see him and follow Mason to the abandoned zoo, we're going to stay there until the hunters arrive. Once they do we just need to keep them busy long enough for Scott to find what he needs to find." Liam explained.

Theo nodded, "you do realise these hunters want to kill us? If they spot us they will shoot," he raised an eyebrow at Liam.

"I know, that's why I want your help. They can't take both of us, we fought how many ghost riders? I know we can handle some human hunters," he laughed.

Theo smiled with a nod, "alright, give me directions. Can't say I've ever been to a zoo let alone an abandoned one."

Liam nodded pulling up his phone to get the maps app up. After 22 minutes they arrived, it definitely was abandoned. The once smooth path was now nothing but gravel, the fence was broken down & the entrance covered in closing signs.

Turning the key Theo parked his truck out the front, preparing to wait for Mason, Liam spotted Lydia's car approaching. Jumping out of Theo's truck they both made their way to Mason.

Brushing his hair off his face Liam approached Mason "how close is he?" Liam asked referring to Nolan.

"He's just down the road...don't look," Mason replied.

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