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A/N: Who doesn't love protective and caring Theo?

A/N: Mentions of self inflicted wounds!!! If you don't like that don't read it, thank you!

Putting on his lacrosse gear Liam exited the locker room, jogging to the field he approached coach. "Ready Dunbar?" Coach asked, leaning Liam to nod. "Alright get out there!" he yelled, pushing Liam towards the field.

Liam jogged into position, face to face with Brett...of all people "you're going to lose," Brett remarked.

"We'll see," Liam snapped back, bowling the whistle Liam managed to scoop the ball and start running towards the goal. Dodging the devenford players in his path he swung his stick, landing the ball in the goal.

Theo was sitting in the bleachers with Mason, "yes! Go baby!" He cheered loudly. Mason smiled cheering alongside Theo. Liam turned when he heard Theo's voice, smiling he nodded.

Turning back he started to walk towards his team but Brett stood in his path "guess lucks on your side Dunbar," Brett smirked.

"Not luck, just skill," Liam taunted pushing past the taller male. Cocking his head Brett snickered.

"We'll see" he said stepping backwards towards his team.

"What's their deal anyways?" Theo asked turning to Mason who looked away "come on?" Theo encouraged.

"They used to have a little fling, but Liam ended it and since then Brett's been a dick to him," Mason admitted.

Theo couldn't help the growl that escaped his lips "so he picks on Liam because he got shut down?! That's the reason?" he sneered.

Eyes glowing gold "Theo your eyes," Mason said calmly. "Liam never liked him anyways, it was only a few times then Liam shut it down."

"I'm going to break his hand-" Theo threatened watching as Brett continued to taunt his boyfriend.

"Yeah Brett's not the most subtle person out there," Mason remarked.

"Or the smartest-" Theo added "he knows Liam has IED why does he want to set him off?" Theo asked annoyed watching as Liam was beginning to get angrier with every remark Brett made.

"Liam's going to snap" Mason said watching his friend, anger radiating from Liam's chemo signals.

"Shut up!" Liam growled pushing Brett with such force it sent the werewolf backwards.

"Or what!" Brett said pushing Liam back "you going to smash my car too?" He taunted.

That was it, Liam was done. Throwing the first punch "fuck you!" he growled, his eyes flashing gold as he tackled Brett to the ground.

"Aw Liam you're so easy to piss off", Brett snickered pushing Liam off him with ease. Liam was shaking with anger, feeling himself lose control "better control your dog" Brett said turning to Theo who was now running onto the field.

The ref blew the whistle calling for half time "fuck off mutt," Theo growled grabbing Liam's shoulder.

"Make me" Brett said standing above Theo taunting him with his glare, Theo looked up at him with a glare of his own, baring his claws he slashed Brett in the face.

"Don't push me Brett, I will kill you. I don't care what it does to my eyes" crouching to Brett's level "even though we both know you're far from innocent."

Standing back up when he heard Liam growl again, turning to his boyfriend he noticed Liam's eyes were still gold, his fists were clenched & Theo began to smell the scent of blood being drawn from them. "Come on," Theo said grabbed Liam by the shoulders and directing him towards the locker room. Liam tried to pull back but Theo kept him straight.

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