Cooking Chaos

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Prompt: Corey and Liam attempt to cook for their boyfriends but when they arrive, Mason and Theo are met with utter chaos...

Prompt Request: lambtoslaughter

The fire alarm would not stop, no matter how many times Corey poked it with a stick. On the other side was Liam who had somehow managed to burn pasta, yep he burnt boiled pasta. Don't ask.

"We literally suck," Corey said, continuing to smack the smoke alarm.

"Hit it harder-" Liam said. Taking the stick from Corey he smacked it off the wall, grimacing as it flew through the window.

"Did we at least cook the muffins right?" Corey sighed.

Liam nodded in relief. "Yep, we added milk, butter and the ingredients. Who could mess up boxed muffins?" Liam laughed, that was when Corey grabbed the box.

Upon further inspection it appeared that they could in fact mess up boxed muffins. "Liam-" he said, his lips forming a frown.

"Don't say it-" Liam said leaning back, unable to even look at the box.

"We forgot the eggs..." Corey said.

Liam let out a frustrated growl, "how did we manage that? I read the box, twice!" Liam whined. Grabbing the box he threw it at the bin, missing it.

"Okay we completely suck," Corey said, running a hand through his short hair.

"Ugh! I wanted to surprise Theo and Mason with a nice dinner and muffins, instead they're coming back to a smashed window, a missing fire alarm, burnt pasta and missing ingredient muffins!" Liam exclaimed.

Corey couldn't help the laugh that escaped him, "ah yes, very sad-" he said trying to compose himself.

Liam shook his head "maybe if we slap some sauce and icing on it they won't know?" He suggested.

"That's genius!" Corey boasted, grabbing the icing from the fridge he slapped it onto the muffins, hiding the indents and burnt top. Liam on the other side was covering the burnt and hardened pasta in tomato sauce.

"They won't know," Liam said, a big dopey smile on his face. "Until they eat it" he quickly added. Corey snickered, "they're here-" he said upon hearing Theo's truck pull up, "no, it's not done-" Liam said.

"Stop! Grab the drinks-" Corey said nudging Liam, the beta scurried to the fridge and grabbed out two cans of soft drink, placing them on the bench with their failed attempt at muffins and spaghetti Bolognese.

Upon entering the home the first thing both of them noticed was the ridiculous amount of smoke, Theo coughed "my god, did you two burn the house down while we were gone?" He called out.

Liam sighed, "kind of-" he said.

Approaching their partners they were met with plates of the spaghetti and muffins. "Aww did you two cook?" Mason asked, attempting to grab a muffin only for Liam to smack his hand away.

"I wouldn't-" he said shaking his head.

Mason frowned, "are they not for us?" He asked confused.

Sharing a curious yet amused glance with Theo "can we try some?" Theo asked. Corey turned to Liam, who nodded.

"I mean, you can definitely try," Liam said allowing Theo to take the plate.

"That's mildly concerning." Theo said placing the plate down and grabbing a fork. In his attempt to twist the pasta with his fork, he realised the problem. "How did you manage to burn pasta?" Theo couldn't help but ask.

Immediately Liam began to whine, "Ah! I tried to boil it, I read the stupid box it came in, I kept an eye on it and when I came back it was burnt," Liam explained.

"If you kept an eye on it where did you go?" Theo asked.

"I may have gotten caught up watching tv... but I didn't think it would burn! It's in water," Liam exclaimed, frustration and disappointment was written clear on his face.

Theo smiled, "I appreciate the thought," he said.

Liam sighed, "we tried," he shrugged.

Theo cupped his face, "and I deeply appreciate the thought," he said placing a kiss upon Liam's nose.

"Maybe leave the cooking up to us from now on," Mason said.

Corey nodded, "I second that," he said wrapping his arms around Mason's waist and kissing his cheek.

"Wait why did the smoke alarm go off? This place is so foggy," Theo said looking up.

Liam bit his lip "I kind of knocked it off," he confessed.

Theo frowned, "where is it?" He asked.

Liam looked to Corey before looking down "kind of out the window?" Liam admitted "but! In my defence, it was really loud and annoying-" the beta shrugged.

"Baby, that's the point," Theo said shaking his head, "you worry me sometimes." Liam laughed, nuzzling his face into Theo's chest. Theo's hand behind Liam's head as he kept the beta close.

"Well considering all the stress you two went through to make us these, lovely? Dishes. I think it's only fair that we clean it up and make us something actually edible," Masons declared, Theo was quick to nod.

Giving Liam a smack on the bottom the beta and chameleon scurried off. "They're odd ones," Mason said shaking his head, Theo couldn't agree more.

"Yes, but they're our odd ones," he said with a snicker.

A/N: What's this? Shay wrote another fluffy one shot? Considering how dark 'puppy pack' is it's the least I could do lmfao

Published: 16th July 2023
Word count: 884

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