Spin the bottle

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Prompt: the pack play spin the bottle lol, inspired by @/guithiamsversion on TikTok! Also dedicated to ellyraeken for encouraging me to write this <3

A/N: For the sake of the story, there are some whacky pairings so enjoy, or don't.

"I'm not doing that," Theo stated with his arms crossed. After the war he had been welcomed into the McCall pack, as well as the puppy pack. Despite the McCall pack all going to collage they decided to have one last night together before they left.

"Come on, don't be lame," Mason said taking his seat beside Corey before clearing his throat, and sitting on the ground. Corey found his spot beside his partner and his hands found their place on Mason's thigh.

Looking around there was Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Derek, Theo, Liam, Mason, Nolan, Corey and Malia. The fact that they were all about to play spin the bottle considering the lack of women, was honestly surprising.

Theo watched as Liam sat in the circle, the betas way of saying he's participating. Theo couldn't just sit back and watch Liam kiss other people, no way. "Fine, I'll play. Spin the fucking bottle," Theo groaned sitting down.

Lydia placed an empty bottle on the floor as they all began to sit around in forming a circle. "I'll start," Lydia declared, giving the bottle a spin and watching as it landed on Stiles.

The dorky boy scooted closer only for Lydia to raise her brow. "Oh come on, you kissed me before," he smirked. She rolled her eyes before cupping his face and latching her lips onto his.

Pulling back his eyes were dazed, he had been in love with her for years. Scott flashed Malia and amused look upon seeing her cranky face. She had no right to be jealous, she literally fucked Scott.

"My turn," Stiles said grabbing the bottle and twisting it. It landed on Theo, fuck me.

Theo raised a brow "I told you I'm not playing,"

Theo shook his head, "grow up," Stiles said standing up. Before Theo could object, Stiles lips were pressed against Theo's. Theo pulled back with a slightly appalled look upon his face, his eyes met Stiles's and he looked down.

"Your turn, Theo," Scott laughed patting him on the back, watching as Theo rolled his eyes. He spun the bottle, watching as it landed on Scott. Their eyes met and Theo's eyes were slightly widened.

"We don't have to" Theo said nervously which made Scott snicker. Theo watched as Scott leaned over, cupping his face and placing his lips on Theo's. The kiss lasted longer than Theo thought, their tongues momentarily met.

Pulling back Theo's eyes opened and he saw Scott's mischievous grin, "see? Not so bad," the alpha snickered. To be fair, they were all slightly intoxicated. Nothing like wolfsbane infused vodka to get a werewolf going.

Scott grabbed the bottle and spun it, watching as it landed on Malia. That obviously wasn't an issue for them since they had begun to see each other, they weren't dating. But they definitely were attracted to eachother.

Malia took pride in standing up and walking towards scoff, cupping his face and slamming their lips together. The kiss was passionate and full of fire, her hands running through his hair.

A soft surprised moan escaped from Scott's lips, Malia released her grip on his hair and pushed him back. Leaving Scott in a struck and dazed state. Malia gripped the bottle and gave it a flick, watching as it spun.

Landing on Lydia she let out a small growl that only the supernatural would hear. Standing over her she decided to make a bold decision, she spread her legs and straddled Lydia's lap.

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