Build A Bear

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A/N: I'm back with another FLUFFY one shot, what is happening to me lmfao. I'm blaming lambtoslaughter for their cute & fluffy prompts that I can't help but write!

Prompt: Liam forces Theo to take him to build a bear and makes him participate.

Prompt request: lambtoslaughter

Theo rolled his eyes, his arms were crossed and his patience was thinning. Unable to meet Liam's pleading eyes he looked away, elsewhere. Literally anywhere else. "Please!" Liam whined.

"No, it's stupid-" Theo said annoyed.

Liam grabbed his eyes "come on!" he said dragging him towards the front door. Theo dug his heels into the ground.

"No Liam, I'm not going to the shop to stuff a stupid bear with fluff so you can stick it in a cupboard to collect dust," Theo snapped.

Liam rolled his eyes, "it's more than that! You get to put a heart inside of it! You can pick a scent for it, name it and dress it! It's like a child! We're buying a child today!" Liam laughed. Theo however was still unimpressed.

"Fine, I'll go by myself-" Liam huffed, it wasn't until Liam grabbed the keys to Theo's truck did the chimera chase him outside.

"Liam! Not my truck!" Theo yelled, pinning the beta against the side of his truck.

"Then drive me," Liam said with a smirk, Theo knew he couldn't resist any longer. Snatching the keys from the beta he unlocked his truck, watching as Liam practically jumped inside of it. Eager little puppy, Theo shook his head.

Starting his truck he reversed it, turning to see a big dopey grin on Liam's face. God he loved his smile, he would never do this if it wasn't Liam who was begging him to. "What's got you so happy?" Theo couldn't help but ask.

Liam's smile widened, "I haven't gone to build a bear since I was a little kid!" He paused, his smile faded a tad as he continued "my dad was the last person I went there with... but I saw they had a special bear this month and I really want it," Liam said.

Theo looked down, his gaze softened. Liam didn't talk much about his father, whenever he did it wasn't good things. It was often about how angry he was and how he used to drink a lot, just not great things for a child to witness.

He felt happier knowing Liam wanted to go with him this time. He trusted Theo, he loved him. Liam's hand found Theo's thigh and he rested it there. "Well let's get you that special bear," Theo laughed turning for a moment to see Liam's smile.

Arriving at the shops Liam was quick to get out of the car, practically running inside of the shop. Theo shook his head but followed behind him. Arriving at build a bear, Liam snatched Theo's hand and dragged him inside.

"Come on Tee," Liam said tugging at his hand, Theo reluctantly followed inside. Immediately bombarded with the bright colours of the shop, the cheerful employees and the scents. It smelt so dam good, a bit overwhelming for his supernatural senses, but still good.

Turning he saw Liam standing in front of the options, "which one are you going to get my love?" Theo asked, Liam turned to him with big blue eyes.

A black wolf in his hand "this one! This is the special one," Liam chirped.

Theo snickered, "this is what you wanted?" He asked raising a brow.

Liam's face fell, "you don't like it?" He asked, those dammed puppy dog eyes were going to be the death of him.

"No, no baby I love it," Theo said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Liam smiled, "it's you," he laughed making Theo nod, "it's your wolf form." Theo couldn't help the genuine smile that spread across his face, he really was so lucky to have Liam. "I'm going to name him Teddy," he smiled.

That was the nickname Liam had often called Theo, it was always Teddy or Tee. Amongst other nicknames but those were the main two, Theo loved it. Only would he let Liam get away with calling him Teddy, nobody else dared to do so.

"We have to dress him," Liam said leading Theo to the clothes.

Theo's eyes were immediately drawn to the little doctors outfit, "that's cute," he said pointing to it. Liam was happy he was participating, nodding he grabbed it.

"Dress him, I'll find a hat!" Liam said handing Theo the little black wolf. Theo snickered, dressing the wolf like you would dress a baby. When Liam returned the little wolf was all dressed up, "I got him his doctors hat," Liam smiled.

Placing it around the wolf ears it rested on his head, "all done?" Theo asked.

"Noo! We have to give him a little heart and pick his scent," Liam said. Theo nodded following his little beta to the employee at the stuff station? What a weird name for it.

Frowning Theo handed the lady the wolf, "he's already quite stuffed, so pick your heart and scent and we'll fill him up!" She chirped. God her enthusiasm was almost gut wrenching.

Liam grabbed a heart, the lady stood up. "Okay sweetie, kiss it and place it inside your wolf," she said. Liam turned to Theo with that big smile, kissing the heart he shoved it inside. Theo watched confused, but also curiously.

"Now you, pick a scent," the lady said turning to Theo. The chimera raised a brow turning to the bowls of scented balls.

Grabbing a bubblegum one he turned to Liam to give him a sniff. "I love it!" Liam said, Theo knew he would.

Liam had a sweet tooth, he loved sugary things. Whether it's food or scents, Liam loved it. Placing the scented ball inside of the wolf the lady immediately shoved it onto a tube. Theo pulled a face upon the sight, it was quite disturbing.

Liam laughed, "I can't wait to take him home," he said holding Theo's hand.

Theo nodded, "same," he said. Once it was fully stuffed she handed it back to them with a large smile on her face. Liam held it close and walked to the counter.

Another overly happy employee was standing on the other side of the counter. "What's it's name?" She asked.

Liam turned to Theo before back to her "Teddy," he said. She nodded, typing it into their system.

A printer began and Theo frowned, "what is she printing?" He asked.

Liam turned to him, "Teddy's birth certificate," he laughed making Theo roll his eyes.

"oh my god-" he said shaking his head with a small laugh.

"What? He's our son now," Liam replied. The lady handed him the birth certificate and Liam handed her the cash. Walking to the next bench Liam grabbed a pen and signed his name under the parent 1 section.

Handing Theo the pen the chimera shook his head, signing his name under the parent 2 section. "Happy?" Theo asked.

Liam immediately nodded "yes!" He chirped. Taking Theo's hand while holding Teddy in the other.

"Let's go home, my little wolf," Theo said bringing Liam close and pecking his cheek. Liam smiled and nodded "come on Teddy" he said kidding the wolf in his arms making Theo snicker. He really was the luckiest chimera alive...

A/N: I have a cat from build a bear and I got a bubblegum scent in it! 8 years later it still smells like bubblegum hehe

A/N: Hehe the little doctors clothing option was chosen because of a_written_simulacra new thiam fic!! Liam is a vampire slayer and Theo is a vampire, it's so amazing! Y'all should check it out!

A/N: Okayyyyyy I think writing fluff is starting to grow on me lol. It's still not my favourite thing to write however, I'm definitely going to write more of it cause these one shots have been making my cold and black heart melt hehe

Published: 19th July 2023
Word count: 1323

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