Pack Drama

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Prompt: Liam brings Theo to pack night but he's still not welcomed... requested by thiamxstories

A/N: swearing, hurt/comfort & self hatred

"Just go, I'll be here," Theo said for the fifth time, not wanting to be dragged along. He knew the McCall pack still wasn't fond of him and he didn't particularly want to have his head ripped off by Malia or Stiles tonight.

Liam sighed, he hated leaving Theo. Every time there was a pack night Liam would try to convince Theo to come with him, Scott never said he couldn't bring him. He just wasn't exactly invited?

The pack knew they were together, heck they saw it coming before Liam did. So, it wasn't a surprise to any of them, but it didn't mean they liked it. "Please," Liam said, batting his lashes and giving Theo his best puppy dog eyes.

Usually he didn't push Theo, he knew why the older chimera didn't attend. But today, his ied hadn't been the best and whenever it got bad, he found himself clinging to his anchor – to Theo.

"Fine, but if they start-" Theo began but Liam cut him off.

"We will leave, I know," Liam said with a smile. Leaning in and pecking Theo on the cheek before grabbing they keys to the chimera's truck only for Theo to snatch them.

"You're so not driving my truck again," Theo chuckled, Liam rolled his eyes but he understood why. The last time Liam had driven it... they ended up not only lost but with a flat tyre, not sure how that happened.

Once inside the truck Liam took his role as passenger princess and grabbed the aux cord, plugging it into his phone and selecting the music for their drive. Scott's house wasn't far, but Theo was dreading every second. "Is Melissa going to be there?" he asked.

Liam shrugged, "I'm not sure, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure she's still mad at me for ya know, trying to kill her son..." Liam grimaced at his own words, still hating the way he acted that night.

"Well, I actually killed him, I'm pretty sure shed be happy to see me dead," Theo scoffed, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. Liam tried not to show his saddened expression, the pack were his family – so was Theo.

He couldn't pick between them, and he wouldn't. It meant a lot to him for them to get along... now he understood why it was important to Mason for him and Corey to get along. You really can't separate family and partners.

Once they arrived at Melissa's Theo sucked in a breath, his heart beating out of his chest as his eyes trailed down. "I shouldn't come in," he said, feeling his anxiety rise as he heard multiple voices from inside.

Liam looked top him, "if they're mean to you, I have your back," Liam said with a soft reassuring smile, he hoped Theo would do this for him. He wouldn't let his friends be mean to him, he wasn't the same person.

Once they got out of the truck they walked to the front door, Liam knocked. They waited and soon enough it began to open, almost immediately shutting once she saw Theo, "no mutts aloud," Malia growled.

Liam put his foot in the door, keeping it from shutting while glaring at her. Giving her that look that said shut-the-fuck-up. "Move," Liam said pushing the door open, ignoring the fact that the whole pack was here.

Scott frowned before approaching them, "you brought Theo," he said looking the chimera up and down, noticing the way Liam slumped at his words.

"It's fine, we always have extra food," he said forcing a smile, trying his best for his beta's sake.

Liam nodded, "I mean, he is my partner so?" Liam said uncomfortably. If he felt uncomfortable imagine how Theo felt, "can you all stop staring?" Liam said annoyed, grabbing Theo's hand and leading him to the lounge.

Theo was beyond uncomfortable, sitting on the end of the couch with Liam on his side and the arm rest on the other. "Sorry," Liam whispered, leaning his head against him.

Theo shrugged; he didn't expect anything less. They weren't happy when Liam brought him back, they didn't care that he helped them with the ghost riders or hunters – he was still the villain to them.

This was why Theo felt more comfortable with Liam's pack, the puppy pack. Sure, Mason had threatened to beat him with a baseball bat if he hurt Liam but that was fine, Mason didn't actually hate him.

"You're really okay with Liam being with him?" Stiles whispered, although Liam could hear him.

He looked to the side and noticed Theo was also listening, "he can't be trusted Scott, he's fucking psychotic- what if he hurts Liam?"

"He would never hurt me Stiles," Liam snapped, turning around to see the older boy. "If you care about me at all then I would appreciate it if you kept those opinions to yourself when me or Theo are present," Liam hissed.

Stiles wasn't one to back down, even if it was against a supernatural creature. "Why him? Out of everyone Liam, you pick the murderous mutt who killed his sister and-" Stiles didn't get the chance to continue before Liam had jumped off the couch and approached him.

"Watch your mouth Stiles, you know nothing," Liam snapped, his eyes momentarily glowing gold in warning. "I picked him because he gets me, he respects me and he loves me," Liam said, "Not that its any of your business who I date, but he's also my anchor."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Liam you're being stupid, how do you not see that Theo is bad for you, he's fucking deranged." Stiles clapped back, not about to let Theo get off unpunished for what he had done to him, his dad and the pack.

"He paid for what he did Stiles and he's been making up for it ever since, so how about you stop living in the past and move on," Liam growled, "he has done nothing bad since I brought him back, all he's done is help all of us and if you can't see that then that's on you."

Stiles vocally scoffed before he felt Scott grip his shirt and tug him back, "okay both of you are obviously not changing your minds so let's just chill out and calm down?" He suggested in true Scott fashion.

Liam rolled his eyes, "no actually I don't think I will," he said before grabbing Theo's arm, "we're leaving." With that he was leading the defeated and drained chimera out of the house, "I'm so sorry-"

"Don't worry," Theo replied, not really having the energy to continue this conversation or go down that route knowing how the others felt about him, they would never forgive him or move on from the past.

"Stiles is such a dick," Liam growled feeling his anger rise but able to calm himself down when he saw Theo's saddened face, his soft expression hurt the beta. "I don't care what they think of you," he cupped Theo's face, "because I love you no matter what."

Theo nodded, trying his best not to cry. He didn't want to show how weak he was, Stiles didn't deserve his tears or emotions. "I love you too little wolf," he smiled with glassy eyes, feeling Liam pull him close as their foreheads rested against the others.

"Let's go home, Teddy," he said before starting the truck. Theo only let him drive it and that was still a rare occurrence, but given his emotional state he let Liam drive. His hand moved until it was resting on Theo's as they began to drive home, to their home.

A/N: oop this took longer than it was supposed to lol but here it is! <3

Published: 27th November 2023
Word count: 1329

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