Let me anchor you

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A/N: This is 100% inspired by Ella! I loved her idea so much and had to write it out, it's a lot of hurt/comfort but it's so tragically thiam. I'm pretty sure this turned out happier than you wanted buttttt it's cute  <3

Prompt: What if Liam and Theo weren't at the hospital during the finale episode? What if they were also at the school and had to face their worst fears?

A/N: swearing, daddy issues, trauma & torment

They stood around the vet's table, all sharing that same knowing and fearful look. Duecalion was dead, the hunters had shot his body to oblivion. It was just them now, the McCall pack and their allies. Theo, Peter & Derek were willing to help them fight this war and take down the Anuk-ite.

"Guys, it's not just the hunters- we've got another problem," Scott sighed, looking amongst his pack and allies.

"It's called the Anuk-ite," Lydia stated, her strawberry blonde hair flicked behind her ears as she spoke. Noticeably making side eyes to Stiles, "it can get in your head and make you see things."

"What does it look like?" Stiles asked, having been kept out of the loop he wasn't expecting to come back to so much chaos, but its Beacon Hills- what else should he expect? He certainly was taken back to see Theo Raeken in the room with them, beside Liam of all people.

"It used to look like two ordinary people, but somehow they merged," Lydia said but Liam interrupted her.

"They kissed, spiders drew between their lips and then boom- they were one person," he explained, having witnessed the merging and being unable to stop them.

Scott nodded, "it's a shapeshifter, like us... but it knows what you're afraid of, what you fear the most." The room went silent, heartbeats bouncing around the room as they all shared worried looks, "it can kill you just by looking at you."

Stiles groaned, "okay, so you're telling me that we've got to go up against this thing blind and face our deepest fear?" he asked. Everyone unfortunately nodded only making Stiles feel more and more unsettled.

Scott nodded, "yeah." He noticed the shift on Stiles face and maybe this is something he should know, but he didn't "wait, what's your biggest fear?"

"Blindness," Stiles replied making everyone shake their head, "terrified of it, always have been, this just seems to be an unfortunate overlap," he added.

Lydia shook her head before Scott began to talk, "Lydia, you and Stiles find Argent and go to the armoury and rescue Jackson." They both nodded, they knew they could handle it together.

"I don't think we have time to wait for him, I've gotten through those doors once anyways, I can do it again." Lydia crossed her arms, adamant that she could save Jackson's life.

"Can we just slow it down for a second to make sure im grasping this? So, were talking about actually doing this? Doing what Gerard wants us to? Is that right?" Stiles asked and for once Theo found himself agreeing with the human.

"It sounds like a suicide mission," Theo added much to the annoyance of everyone else.

"We can do this," Liam said giving Theo a knowing look, "we've done it before and we can do it again. We've handled bad before, we can handle this too."

Scott nodded, "I think that if we stop the Anuk-ite we stop it all."

Derek sighed, "Stopping this thing can stop Gerard and the hunters?" he asked in his usual sceptical tone.

"Not all of them are hunters-"

Lydia nodded, "Scott's right, most of them are just ordinary people acting out of fear, Monroe's not going to change but we can probably reach a lot of the others, most of them actually."

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