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A/N: God help me and these fluffy one shots

Prompt: Liam surprises Theo with a kitten for his birthday and of course Theo names her Athena :')

Prompt request: lambtoslaughter

this one shot is dedicated to zzzaaa28otb happy birthday you! You lovely human!! <3

Liam stumbled into the door, "babe can you open it!" Liam called out. It didn't take long before Theo opened the door, a frown of confusion on his face.

"What did you do.." Theo asked.

"Happy birthday!" Liam replied cheerfully, launching himself into Theo's arms. Planting numerous kisses down the chimeras neck, that was when Theo caught sight of the boxes behind him.

"I specifically told you NOT to go over the top-" Theo laughed.

"And I told you I don't care" Liam smirked. Going to the boxes and bringing them in with Theo's assistance. "There's one more! It's coming soon-" Liam smiled.

Theo shook his head, placing his hands on Liam's waist "how did I get so lucky to have you?" He asked placing a kiss upon Liam's forehead.

"Because you deserve me," Liam replied.

Their lips locked and Theo ran a hand through Liam's hair, "I love you little wolf," he smiled. Liam blushed.

"I love you too Teddy," he said. Leading Theo to the table the first box was opened, a vanilla cake presented in front of him. Liam never understood why vanilla was Theo's favourite flavour, there was nothing vanilla about the chimera. But who was he to argue with the flavour, it wasn't horrible. Liam had the biggest obsession with anything strawberry flavoured.

Liam ripped open a smaller packet, placing little candles into the cake. "Fire," Liam said looking around for a lighter, once he found one he began to light the candles one by one "make a wish!" He exclaimed.

Theo rolled his eyes but reluctantly made a wish, he didn't need anything though. He had Liam and a roof over his head, that was all the chimera could ever ask for. All he could ever want...

"Okay! You enjoy I'll be right back" Liam exclaimed before quickly running up the stairs. Theo frowned with a confused expression upon his face, he really was just a hyper active puppy dog.

Theo snickered to himself before cutting into the cake, touching the bottom. "Gimme a kiss!" Theo called out, Liam ran down the stairs with a box in his hand.

"As you wish," Liam smiled. Cupping his face their lips locked, "open!" Liam said excitedly placing the box in front of Theo.

Theo raised a questioning brow before opening it, "you didn't-" Theo said with his mouth open. Feeling his eyes water as his gaze was met with smaller eyes. "Liam-" Theo said noticing the betas happy expression.

"Okay, let me explain.. you said before the dread doctors took you that you had a cat and you loved her and so-" Liam began to ramble.

Theo immediately hushed him with a deepened kiss, cupping the betas face, "I love you so much," Theo said breathlessly.

Picking the little kitten up from its box and holding it close, "it's a girl," Liam said.

"Little Athena," Theo said with a smile, holding her to his bare chest he placed a small peck on her head. Her calico fur was soft, her bug eyes stared into his and he felt his heart melt. "I love her so much," Theo said.

"Not as much as me though" Liam replied but when Theo didn't respond he smacked his arm, "right?" Liam asked.

Theo laughed, "yes darling, not as much as you," he said kissing Liam on the cheek. "She's adorable," Theo smiled, placing her on the ground and watching as he tiny paws stretched out at his pants.

"I think she wants back up," Liam laughed, Theo was happy to oblige.

Picking up his tiny friend he bought her back to his chest, watching how she curled in on herself. "She's so tiny." Theo smiled.

"She's only 25 weeks old, she's still a baby," Liam said.

"Where did you find her?" Theo asked patting her with one finger.

"The pet shop? I bought her," Liam laughed. He couldn't take his eyes off Theo, the way his entire body relaxed when he held her. The way his eyes were locked on her and the way he unintentionally rocked her. Liam knew she made the chimera soft, almost the same way Liam did. "You'd look good with a baby," Liam laughed.

Theo raised a brow, using his spare arm to wrap around Liam's waist to pull him close. "We'd look good with a baby," he corrected, kissing Liam's cheek while his hand rested on the boys waist.

"Happy birthday Teddy," Liam smiled making Theo laugh.

"Thank you little wolf" he replied. Liam's hand gave Athena a little pet.

"She's all ours," Liam said.

"Good cause they aren't getting her back," Theo laughed.

Published: 4th August 2023
Word count: 819

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