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Prompt: Liam's Christmas doesn't go to plan?

Thank you so much a_written_simulacra for going over this prior and for helping me <3

This one goes out to any of my readers who have spent Christmas alone or felt lonely even when surrounded by family/friends. Please know your feelings are valid, I see you and I care about you.

This one goes out to the ones worried about the food or are in any kind of disordered eating recovery, you are worthy and you deserve to eat. Please know and remember that.

This one goes out to the ones with family problems, please remember your emotions and feelings are valid and you are loved, I care about you and I hope you can find peace on this day!

A/N: swearing, family drama, mention of past child neglect, anxiety, alcohol abuse & homophobia.

This will be a happy ending I promise!  <3

"Liam please for the love of god stop doing that," his mother grumbled, the beta looked down at his nails. He had been biting them for almost thirty minutes, he believed he had a valid reason to and yet his mother disagreed.

This would be the first Christmas his father was coming to visit them, to say their relationship was rocky would be an understatement. After his parent's divorce- Dean had left, literally left Beacon Hill's. Every so often Liam would get a text or a missed call, but he never replied.

It was always something like, 'I'll come to your game this weekend!' Followed up by 'sorry I missed your game! Lemme make it up to you' or he would get the occasional 'You're so ungrateful you know that' followed up with a 'Im sorry son I miss you it's just hard for me'.

Dean's drinking problem was no secret, it was pretty obvious. But his mother was still trying to keep the peace for Liam's sake, although he could tell she would rather see the man dead. "Liam! I swear to god stop biting them."

Her eyes glared into his and he put his hands down, his leg hadn't stopped bouncing and his heartbeat was erratic. He didn't want to see this pathetic excuse of a father, he didn't need to. He was happier with David, his step dad.

That man had stepped up not only for Jenna for him as well. He had been to more of Liam's lacrosse games, awards and school events then Dean ever had, or ever cared to. As far as Liam was concerned, David was his father.

But he hasn't exactly told Dean that, he wasn't sure how well that would go over. Especially given the fact that Dean also had ied, considering the disorder -in Liam's case- was hereditary it was no surprise to Liam that his father of the year, also had it.

Big surprise there.

Liam rolled his eyes at the thought. David could sense his nerves and leaned closer to him, "are you okay?" He asked. A softened smile on his face that showed he was understanding and nurturing all at once, the ideal father figure. The real man in Liam's life and the only man he wanted in his life... besides a certain chimera.

Said certain chimera was hiding upstairs wanting to give Liam the space to see his father, although right now he could really use one of Theo's pep talks or comforting speeches. He was certain Theo could probably hear his heartbeat throbbing from his spot in Liam's room, in Liam's bed.

The pair weren't a couple or anything but they were more than friends, it was just unspoken. But they both knew it, they cared for each other a lot more than friends do. But with the constant drama in both of their lives and with Liam being the stand in alpha, now was not the right time.

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