Smitten as a kitten

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Another collab with the amazing and talented lambtoslaughter go check out her page!!! GIVE HER SOME LOVE <3

Prompt: The four times Liam noticed Theo's behaviour wasn't normal and the one time he just accepted it

Liam wasn't one to judge, heck- how could he? He was a werewolf with IED and daddy issues, but that didn't stop him from being observant. Since the war had ended Liam had taken Theo in, after finding out the chimera had been sleeping in his truck.

Liam didn't like that, he brought Theo back only for him to sleep in his truck? Theo was his responsibility after all, the least he could do was offer him a room to sleep in. Considering his parents both worked so much, he hardly noticed Theo's presence let alone questioned it.

But that is what led him to this point in time, he had noticed the little things that Theo did. Things that were sure to blow his cover as a werewolf if his parents saw or heard them, that was for sure.

Let's start with the first thing Theo did that Liam noticed, growling. Liam knew werewolves growled, he did it too. But it was different when Theo did it, it was not on purpose and it rolled off the tongue. It was almost as if that was Theo's first instinct.

Just the other day they had been gaming, Liam was teaching him how to play mario kart. Originally it had gone well, until the chimera had the nerve to growl at him.

Theo had appeared to be frustrated by the controller, "Theo, hold it like this-" but before he could take the remote to show him, the chimera had growled at him.

At first Liam had been taken back, he didn't expect that. Usually when someone growled at him it was because they were in danger or he was in trouble, but with Theo it was different. It was like an expression, Theo was frustrated and protective.

"I'm not gonna take it," Liam reassured him, his thumb brushing over the chimera's who let out a smaller growl- still hesitant. "Theo, move your hand and hold it like this," Liam explained, demonstrating with his own controller how to hold it.

Theo seemed to appreciate a visual demonstration a lot more, finding it easier to hold the remote once he had been shown. "Thanks," Theo said before looking down at the remote, pushing the joystick with his thumb and looking back up to the TV.

Liam had found that odd, confusing and kind of weird. But he brushed it off, he didn't dwell on it. He was used to Malia reacting that way, he just figured maybe it was a coyote thing? But then it happened again, but this time it was during a pack meeting.

"I don't trust him," Stiles shrugged, looking the chimera up and down he didn't care. "He screwed us over once, Scott- whose to say he isn't plotting something right now!"

Liam rolled his eyes, "because he's changed, so can you stop?" He didn't care that everyone's eyes turned to face him, he wasn't going to stand back and let his pack rip Theo apart when he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Yeah well you haven't exactly made the bets choices in your life now have you Liam?" Stiles retorted, but before Liam could even clap back a low growl had erupted from beside him, he turned to see Theo's fangs protruding.

"See! Evil, he is evil-" Stiles complained, flapping his arms about meanwhile Theo looked about ready to rip into the humans jugular. Theo's growl slowly became louder as his eyes glowed that bright and golden colour, Liam knew to act fast.

"Theo," he said softly, his hand grabbing the chimera's arm. He didn't fully understand their connection, but he knew they had formed somewhat of one since he brought him back. Theo was able to calm him down and Liam could do the same thing, "breath."

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