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A/N: As we've seen Theo can shift into a wolf, I came up with the prompt that Liam has shifted for the first time and Theo finds him and helps him, hope you enjoy <3

After visiting the bridge where his sister died Theo began walking back to his truck, stopping in his tracks when he hears running, snapping around he couldn't see anyone. Focusing on the sound he realised it was too quick to be a human.

Walking slowly back to his truck, he quickly turned when he heard a growl, looking down it was a wolf, the wolf's fur was white, eyes icy blue and teeth bearing. Theo wasn't afraid though; he knew better then to show fear to a wolf.

"Are you a wolf or a werewolf?" Theo questioned lowering himself to the wolf's level as to not scare it. Putting his hand out the wolf sniffed his scent, "werewolf hey?" Theo asked as the wolf rubs his head on Theo's hand.

Hearing something Theo couldn't, the wolf turned and ran off. Theo stood up, focusing on its scent he tried to follow it. The wolf getting more speed than Theo, he pushed through it until he felt himself tripping over.

Getting back up he could no longer see the wolf, but he caught it's scent. Following it he found himself going over the bridge. The scent increasing when he stumbled upon a body. Theo raised an eyebrow when he realised who it was "Liam," he said confused, not wanting Liam to be embarrassed he took of his jacket covering the boys lower half.

Liam groaned, turning around but backing away when he saw Theo "wha-what happened?!" Liam gasped looking around confused.

Theo could smell the fear radiating off him "you shifted."

Liam looked down when he saw a jacket on top of him "you saw me naked?" Liam questioned.

"Only from behind so don't worry, you're welcome by the way," he teased. Ignoring his comment Liam rubbed his face.

"I-I don't even know how I did that!" He exclaimed.

His panic rising "Scott can't even turn into a wolf! He's going to hate me," Liam said starting to freak himself out, Theo got to his level.

"No, he won't you're his beta," Theo said but Liam shook his head.

"No! I saw how jealous he got when you told him you could shift! I don't want him to know-" Liam said panicking.

Theo placed a hand on Liam's shoulder "I won't say anything" he said reassuring him.

"Thank you," Liam said before looking around, his eyebrows furrowing. "I don't even know where my clothes are," he groaned.

"I have some spare in my truck you can borrow," Theo offered.

Liam nodded "thanks," he said as he stood up, the jacket around his waist.

"It's just over that way," Theo said as Liam follows him until they reach Theo's truck. "Here," Theo says handing Liam a shirt, a pair of shorts and a jumper.

Liam smiled "thank you," he said as Theo turns the other way so Liam can get dressed.

"So that was your first shift?" Theo asked.

"Yeah..." he admitted before continuing "I was at home, my step dad was annoying me so I left to calm down and I started running and I ended up here....I don't remember anything after that..." Liam paused, "oh god what if I hurt someone?" He asked worried.

"You'd know," Theo insisted.

"How? I can't remember anything while I was a wolf," Liam said panicking.

"Show me your eyes, I can tell you," Theo requests as Liam flashes his golden eyes at Theo "you're fine they're still gold."

"Scott would never forgive me if they were blue..." Liam said looking down.

"He doesn't understand that sometimes killing is needed, it doesn't make us bad people." Theo said and Liam can't find himself agreeing.

"Umm here's your jacket, thanks for putting it on me, I don't know what I would of done if you weren't here," Liam smiled. Theo laughs taking his jacket and throwing it into his car, "why were you here?" Liam asked.

"I was visiting my sister," Theo said knowing Liam knew about the bridge, Liam nodded.

"Sorry, dumb question," Liam replied looking down.

"You're a pretty wolf," Theo smiled.

Liam frowned "what?"

"Your fur is white, it show cases your big blue eyes," Theo smirks making Liam look down uncomfortably.

"Thanks" he said.

"You know when you were shifted you let me pat you," Theo laughed.

Liam rolled his eyes "I did not-" he snapped.

"You definitely did, your fur was soft, you leaned into my hand. You knew you could trust me even in wolf form," Theo said smiling.

Liam sighed "whatever you say," he replied.

"Let me give you a lift home," Theo insists "wolf boy."

Liam shook his head "you're not going to let me live this down are you?" He asked.

"Pope" he said opening the passenger door for Liam to get in.

"Thanks" Liam said before entering the truck.

Theo laughed shaking his head as he shut the door "home?" Theo asked hoping he would want to stay around.

"I don't have to go back yet?" Liam said in a questioning tone, happy when Theo smiled, "let's go for a drive?"

A:N: I know this is short but I just liked the idea of it haha hope you still enjoyed!

Published: 6th March 2023
Word count: 888

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