Chapter 50: Illyrian Brutes

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∙ Madis POV ∙

Where was I?

Panic sank its invisible claws into me, dread colliding with horror inside of me. I blinked my eyes a few times, they burned when meeting with the early morning sunlight.

I heard rustling next to me and sucked in a sharp breath. I was outside. I was no longer in the hut. I was out in nature. And I was alone. Well, I wasn't alone alone. I heard movement. But I was without Nyx.

I opened my eyes fully and found myself in a field of Illyrian warriors. Oh Gods! Trees, grass and rocks. I was the only one awake. The sleeping males next to me had their wings bound. They all were still asleep but I had no idea how long that would last.

I sat up and brushed my hands down my thighs.

I knew what this was. The Blood Rite.

It had started and I was a part of it. How was this possible? I had managed the obstacle course but how did they find out? How did anyone find out about it? Someone must have told Lord Kator...

I had no time to ponder, I had to act—survive. I was the only one awake which meant I needed to get up and run. Escape and find somewhere to hide. A cool breeze brushed my bare legs. Great while the Illyrians were dressed in their leathers I was pushed in here with my nightgown.

I needed to find clothing. And shoes. Shoes were my actual priority then. How else was I supposed to walk on the in pebbles, pine needles, stones and branches covered ground. And snow. Gods, it was going to be so damn cold here.

I lay down again and slowly and silently wiggled downwards towards the feet of the male next to me. One of my hands moved over his boot and I began untying his laces. Then the ones of the other foot. I had both untied and checked if is was still out. Yes, he was. I slid my hand into the boot and pulled it off his foot, the other one followed and he still did not wake up. A tiny kernel of relief blossomed in my chest and I exhaled silently.

But I would not put the shoes on here. That was way too dangerous. I slowly sat up on my knees, looking around me. Still no one was awake. In the next moment I jumped to my feet and dashed forward, boots tightly clasped under my arm.

I heard rustling and movement behind me, but I was already running. I stormed down a slope, running as fast as I could, jumped over a rock when hollering sounded from behind me.

I ducked under some branches, pebbles and pine needles piercing my bare feet, but I ignored them, running. After making sure no one had followed me I allowed myself to pause for a second. I hid behind a large tree and lowered the boots to the ground. Gods, the were huge.

I slipped into them and I tied them as tightly as possible, but they still were way too big for my small feet. It didn't matter. They would keep me warm. Warm. I was still only in my nightgown and had no idea how and where I would find a jacket. I would figure that out later, running would keep me warm for now and running was what I was going to do again.

Looking over my shoulder I tried to figure out if someone had followed me. I leaned over a bit further, my foot must have pushed a small stone forward and it started rolling. It hit a bigger rock. The breath hitched in my throat, my stomach coiled and my blood ran cold.

This was—

"There she is. The female filth!"

Growls and shouts followed the uttering, trampling made the ground vibrate. I sucked in a sharp breath and set out once again.

I stomped my feet into the ground, running once again. How the hell did they find me this fast? Could they scent me? I had no idea. No idea how they were so fast and found me so easily.

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