Chapter 31 Part 1

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Chapter 31 Part 1:

~Alexis' POV~

-A year later-

I wake up to the sun beaming through blinds. I look over to the left and Luke isn't there. That's weird, he's never up before me. I always get up at 8 so I can wake up the twins and get them ready for the day. It's me and his 4 year anniversary of dating so I don't know why he would be up before me. I'd figure he'd still sleep in. I go to look at the clock when I notice a piece of folded paper on Luke's pillow. It has 'Alexis.' Written on the top, I open it and there's a note. 'Happy 4 year anniversary baby. Part of your present from me is sleeping in late and me getting the twins ready. Love you, Luke.' I put the piece of paper down and smile. He's so sweet. I turn around and look at the clock. It's 11:30. Holy crap, I've never slept this late before. I'm always up at 8 am no matter what. I throw the blankets off of me and walk over to my mirror. I throw my hair up in a high pony tail and then look at myself. I then decide that I'm just gonna stay in my pjs. I walk downstairs to the living room. When I get downstairs, I see Luke sitting on the floor playing with Zoe. He has a bunch of hair ties in his hair and Zoe is putting lipstick all over his face with some of my old make-up. "Zoe, what are you doing to daddy?" "Making him pwettier!!!" "You agreed to this?" "I thought she was just gonna put hair ties in my hair." "I'm taking a picture of this." I say as I grab my phone. I take the photo and laugh. "Wait, where's LJ?" "He wanted to paint, so he's over at the kitchen table. I've been keeping an eye on him don't worry." He says pointing to the table. "What are you painting honey?" I say as I walk over to him. "A picture for you mommy!!!" He says perfectly. LJ is very good at talking in full sentences. There's a few words he can't say perfectly yet. It's strange because he didn't talk until he was almost a year and half yet he can talk better than Zoe. "Aw thank you honey." I say as I grab the picture from him. He smiles and then goes back to painting. "I'm gonna go hang this on the fridge, okay?" "Okay mommy!" He screams as he continues to paint. I grab the picture and walk over to the kitchen. I hang up the picture and walk back to the living room. When I get back LJ is covered in paint. "Oh lord, LJ what did you do?!" "Painted myself mommy!" "I thought you were watching him Luke!" I scream as I walk over to LJ and pick him up. "I was, I looked away for one minute." "Now I have to give him a bath." "I'll do it." "No, it's fine. I'll do it." I say as I start to up the stairs. "I love you!" Luke screams as I walk up the stairs. "Yeah yeah love you too!" I scream as I get upstairs. I walk in the bathroom and fill the bathtub with water. As the water is running I start to take off LJs clothes off. Once the water is done I put LJ in the tub. I start to scrub off the paint from his body. Once the paint is completely off, I let him play with the water. "Honey you're gonna kill me." I hear Luke say. I turn around and see him holding Zoe. She is covered in lipstick from head to toe. "Seriously!" "I'm sorry honey! I went into the kitchen to get her some juice when I came back, she was covered in lipstick." "Ugh, hand her over." I say as I hold out my hands. He hands me Zoe and I start to get her undressed. "Do me a favor and grab me them clothes." "Fine." He says as he leaves the bathroom. Once Zoe's undress, I put her in the bathtub. I then start to scrub her clean. "Here." Luke says as he hands me the twins clothes. "Thank you." "No problem, I'll be downstairs." He says as he kisses my forehead. He then leaves the bathroom. I continue to scrub Zoe until she's clean. Once she's clean I take both LJ and Zoe out of the tub and dry them. Once they're completely dry I dress them. "Come on, let's go downstairs to daddy." I say as I grab their hands and start to walk towards the stairs. As we get closer to the stairs, the twins start to pull me towards their room. "What are you two doing? Don't you wanna play with daddy?" "Daddy has a s-." Zoe begins to say but LJ lets go of my hand and slaps her on the arm. Dear god, if they act like this at 3 I don't wanna know how'll they'll act at as teenagers. "Ow!!!" "Don't tell her!" LJ screams at the top of his lungs. "Don't tell me what?" I say but they just giggle and start to pull me to their room. I just roll my eyes and follow them we get into their room and there's an envelope on the ground. I let go of their hands and they run out of their room. I then pick up the envelope. I open the envelope and there's a note and the letter 'F' inside. I look at the note and read it. 'Second part of your gift. But you gotta look for it. F was your first clue. To find your next go to the place where you go when you get mad at me and want to complain.' I put the note on the twins dresser but keep the letter. I laugh at what he wrote and turn around to go to Michael's room.

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