Chapter Nine

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The first thing that I noticed when I walked through the school gates the next day were the stares.

Figures I thought to myself. They must be thinking of how I fainted while I was running yesterday.

Wanting to avoid those stares, I made my way to my usual spot - the bench right next to the library. I took my sketchbook out of my backpack, and flipped to a fresh new page. I had just recently finished my last drawing and desperately needed new ideas.

I sat there for what seemed like hours, staring at the blank page in front of me, thinking of a new thing to draw. It felt like I had drawn everything in my mind - Dad, Charlotte, characters from my favorite anime, stuff from wherever I was at the time, even George at some point (this one had to be my personal favorite).

I sighed softly to myself and glanced around at my surroundings. Besides the few people who were still sneaking looks at me (some whispering to their friends), it was pretty bare, with some classrooms, bushes, and some tables. There weren't even a lot of people in my line of eyesight.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on the library door.

Huh. Maybe I could check out a book in there and see if I could find some inspiration.

I stood up from my seat, shouldered my backpack and made my way inside the library. After I mumbled a "hello" to Mrs. Long, I stood there and looked around, before settling on one of the many shelves that had a lamented paper that said "fiction" on it, taped to the side. I made my way over there and began to scan the rows of books.

After a few minutes of scanning, one book finally caught my eye. It was a paperback with a purple spine that said "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in fancy-ish print along with a small "year 1" and the top. I stood on my tiptoes and took the book off the shelf.

It seemed like everyone I knew had read this book at least one point in their lives. Dad has been a fan of the books when he was a teen and Charlotte had breezed through the books two summers ago and had gone on and on about how they were some of the best books she had ever read - which I had found surprising considering she was the pickiest reader I had ever seen in my life.

I leaned against the shelf and began to thumb through the pages. I knew the general storyline of the story, a boy named Harry goes to a wizarding school with his friends Ron and Hermione and has to defeat a dark wizard named Voldemort, but I didn't know all the details. Shrugging, I made my way to the librarian's desk. I figured that the book would be at least a bit of inspiration.

"Can I check this out, please?" I asked, giving Mrs. Long the book.

"Sure, where's your ID?"

"Um" I said. I swung my backpack off my shoulder and unzipped the front pocket. Sure enough, my ID was tucked safely in there. I took it out and gave to her.

"I think you're really going to like this series." Mrs. Long told me enthusiastically as she ran the scanner over my ID and then the book.

"Everyone I know has read it."

"Well, it sure is a popular series." she said, handing me back the book and my ID. "Have fun reading it!"


As soon as I stepped out of the library, I realized that I had to go the bathroom. Groaning to myself, I slipped my ID and the book back in my backpack and began my long walk towards the boys bathrooms which were all the way at the other end of the school. Just as I was about to enter the bathroom, I bumped into someone who was walking out. I looked to see that it was Damien.

"Look who it is!" he exclaimed as soon as he saw me. I winced as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.


"Hey, are you okay?" I heard that you fainted in PE yesterday." he asked.

"I guess..." I answered, feeling a mix of annoyance and warmth. "Charlotte said you were freaking out yesterday when you found out." I added.

"Me?" Damien said, raising his eyebrows. "I didn't find out until after school from one of my friends, and you were long gone by then."

"But Charlotte said that a dark haired boy-"

"Maybe it was someone else." Damien said.

But I didn't know a lot of people here, let alone any dark haired boys...


No, it couldn't be, he would throw me into deep pits of Hades if he had the choice to.

But then again...

Well, shit. 

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