Chapter Thirty One

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The first thing that I saw when I woke up was the fluorescent lights that shined in my face, practically blinding me. Letting out a squeak of surprise, I closed my eyes tightly and shifted around slightly on whatever hard surface I was on.

That's when I felt my leg hit something short and long that made a small clunk sound when my leg made contact with it. I immediately gasped and my eyes shot open and the first thing I did was look around for the source of contact.

As I did so, I began to take in my surroundings, I finally realized where I was: the school nurse's office. The room I was in was much smaller than I imagined, which when I thought about it, made sense since it was technically a part of the main office. All of the walls were painted a slight cream color and there were no windows, much to my happiness; the last thing I could do right now was have more light shine in my face.

In the corner, near the front of the room was a small rectangular cot, which I was currently laying on, made of a scratchy navy blue canvas and was held up by four short metal poles (which I now realized was the source of contact I had bumped my leg on). It was basically just a thick blue rectangle supported by small poles with no pillows or blankets in sight. This made me wonder how people could even rest on this thing without feeling the least bit comfortable. But I guess that was the point though considering it was a school cot and not the usual comfy bed that you would find in your own bedroom.

In front of the cot (or behind the cot I guess it seemed if you were coming in through the doorway was a desk which looked like someone's work desk. From what I could see of it, there were stacks of paper, a tray of band-aids, a couple of pens scattered across the surface and even an old school telephone sitting in the corner (with buttons, a cord and everything). In front of the desk was a swivel chair that was colored the most ghastly shade of orange I have ever seen. Taking one look at the desk, I came to the conclusion that it belonged to some sort of nurse or care taker. Next to the nurse's desk were two folding chairs that were leaning up against the wall.

Directly across from the cot was a bathroom and next to the bathroom was a sink and a long table top that was built into the wall behind it, with even more papers scattered across it, more trays of band - aids, and a first aid kit. Above the tabletop were a few cabinets which I guessed held some medical equipment or whatever you needed to care for annoying, horny and immature teenagers who weren't feeling well.

"Ah, Noah, it looks like you're awake!" said a voice that could probably give the school bell a run for its money on how nasally it sounded. I turned my head slightly and saw a woman, who I supposed was the nurse, walk into the room holding a black walkie talkie in her hand. She had her hair pulled up in a bun, thin wired glasses on her face, and looked to be about Dad's age, albeit a bit older.

"What happened...?" I asked her, my voice coming out slightly weak. She walked over to her desk and set the walkie talkie down.

"You fainted in PE again." the nurse said, while walking over to the sink, picking up a small disposable paper cup and filling it with water. Once she was done, she walked over to where I was laying and I could see the concerned but slightly annoyed look on her face, as if she had to deal with teenagers fainting, throwing up or doing stupid things to land them in her office every day. Maybe she did, I don't know. All I knew is that I felt a bit bad for her. If I was in her place and to deal with stupid teenagers landing who landed themselves in my own office for god knows what reason, I would be pretty annoyed after a while too.

"I called your dad and he said that he's on his way here to pick you up." the nurse went on, handing me the cup. I sat up, made a small, incomprehensible noise in the back of my throat and began to sip up the water in the cup. When I was done, I threw the cup in the trash can and felt a slight pain in my head. As soon as I registered the pain, a gasp escaped my mouth.

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