Chapter Forty Four

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"What're you drawing?"

I looked up from my sketchbook to see Zander peering over my shoulder, a curious expression on his face. I jumped and let out a screech, turning around to face him.

"Zander, don't scare me like that!" I gasped, giving him a (rather inintimidating) death stare. He just laughed and sat down next to me.

"Hey, do you think you could draw me after you're done with that drawing?" he asked and I choked on my saliva.

"W-What?!" I exclaimed as he grinned, "B-But how c-could I-I do that?!"

" I dunno," he replied, "I could take a picture of myself and text it to you as a reference or I could just sit in front of you while you draw."

"Um...", I murmured, "I have other drawings to do as well as piles of homework so I may have to think about it."

"Alright, well tell me when you decide." he said and I nodded, returning to my sketchbook so I could hide the blush on my face. After all, Zander had just asked me to draw him! If that wasn't some sort of progress (on what, I don't know) then I didn't know what was.

"Guess what day it is?" Zander asked after a moment of silence. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, you know what day that is?," he asked and when I didn't respond, he exclaimed, "It's mile day!"

"Of course it is..." I muttered. To be honest, I didn't know why anyone except Zander would make a huge deal out of running The Mile. He may be making a big deal out of it because he was faster than anyone in the class, but for me, well, I failed it every time so why should I make such a huge deal out of it? On the same note, why was Zander making such a big deal out of this Mile Day than any other one? Was there something special about this one that I wasn't understanding?

Sighing to myself, I returned back to my sketchbook and only vaguely listened when Mr. Greene explained the directions that I've heard more than ten times by now. When he dismissed us to go change, I pulled on my PE uniform as quickly as possible, trying my best not to look at Zander with his shirt off out of the corner of my eye. When I walked out of the locker room, I had never felt so dazed and I didn't even know what was causing it.

However, nothing could've prepared me for what I was about to see.

Once everyone was changed, Mr. Greene made us jog out to the cones as usual. While I was doing that, running near the back of the class like I always did, I caught a glimpse of something - no, someone.


What was Zander doing at the back of the class? Usually he was the first one out there, either stretching, talking to his friends or (and I hate to say this) flirting up a storm with some people. He was never at the back of the class. Even worse? He was walking when other people were jogging. Never in all of the months I've been in this class have I seen Zander walk when others ran.

"Noah, are you okay?" Zander asked when I looked at him. I just stared, watching as he casually walked behind the rest of the class, ignoring the looks he was attracting.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Just, um, nervous, that's all..." I said, hoping to take my mind off of this all. He just raised an eyebrow and continued to walk. Once we got to the cones, he started to talk to that annoying chestnut haired boy and a boy with cheek length dirty blonde hair.

Before I could observe him even further though, Mr. Greene blew his whistle and everybody was off, darting forwards and gaining speed. A few people (like the chestnut boy) were near the front and most people were either in the middle. As usual, I decided to stick to the back, jogging slowly and lightly so my legs wouldn't get sore.

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