Chapter Twenty Two

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"Noah, can you help me wipe down the table?" Dad asked me later that night as I was busy scraping off the last bits of chicken on my plate.

"Sure, let me just finish eating."

When I was done eating, I put my plate in the sink, grabbed a towel that was hanging on the dishwasher and started to wipe the table.

As I did so, I started to think about what could possibly be going on between Damien and Zander. First of all, why on earth were they so tense and angry every time they were around each other? Did Damien or Zander say something to the other that made them like this? Perhaps it was something sports related, considering they both probably played sports? No, it couldnt be that, since during the weeks that I had attended Parkview High so far, I learned that news and gossip spread fast and if they had some sort of fight, it would've been the talk of the school right now. Yes, people paid attention to them (Damien more less so , however), but they never paid attention to them as a pair or when they were together, only when they were separate people.

Second of all, why did it have to center around me of all people? Couldn't it be about some other person that is more...confident, outgoing, and overall much more cool than me? What even made one or the other start to argue about me anyways? Did Zander see that I was more comfortable around Damien or did Damien see or hear about Zander and I helping each other those times in PE? I have to admit, he did seem like the overly helpful type. And how long ago did this argument even start?

Also, where did Alicia fit into this? Just like Zander, she seemed pretty tense around Damien and for some reason, overly happy around Zander. I'm pretty sure they have known each other longer than I have since they had probably been attending this school since the start of this year and I'm pretty sure they had some classes together (or at least I knew Alicia had some classes with Zander, I don't know if she had any with Damien). Was she possibly in on their little secret too?

"Noah, I think you're giving that poor towel a workout." Dad said, interrupting my thoughts. I sighed heavily and stopped wiping the table once I realized that I had made a sort of scratch in the wood from having scrubbed too hard.,

"Sorry." I murmured, hanging the towel back up. Dad waved a dismissive hand.

"It's fine. You look tired, why don't you go rest for some time?"

"Sure." I said, making my way up the stairs. Once I got into my bedroom, I dived on top of my bed, grabbed George from my nightstand and layed against my pillows, hugging him to my chest. I was just about to close my eyes however, when a bike bell sounded. Leaning over to pick up my phone, I glanced at the notification. It was a text from Damien. Almost instantly, I clicked on it and read the text.

We need to talk.

I stared at the message for a minute, took a deep breath and then typed my reply.

N: What do we need to talk about?

D: Zander.

Of course it's Zander. It's always Zander that he talks about these days. If I hadn't known they'd been arguing and trying not to rip each other's heads off, I would've thought that Damien had some sort of crush on Zander.

Oh wow, why am I saying that, Damien probably wouldn't have a crush on Zander even if he hated his guts or not.

N: What about him?

D: I saw you talking to him today.

Oh god, Noah. Play dumb, play dumb.

N: What are you talking about?

D: I saw you talking to Zander today after school.

N: What?! How did you see?!

D: My house is in the neighborhood behind the school so I walk across the field every day so I can get home quicker.

N: Oh.

D: What were you guys talking about?

N: Nothing!

D: Are you sure?

N: Yeah

D: You're lying, tell me what you were really talking about with him.

God, he's so demanding sometimes...

N: I told you we weren't talking about anything!

D: Yes you were! I saw you guys!

N: We were just talking about what physical activities we were and weren't good at and the game against Rockfeller High. He's on the team, you know that?

D: Of course I do.

D: People are always going on about how much of a good player he is and how valuable he is to the team.

N: I can see why they say that. I saw him shoot some hoops today and he seemed pretty good.

D: Everyone's treating him like some sort of king or something. It's sort of unbelievable.

D: They're all like "I love you, Zander! You're so amazing, Zander! You're so good at everything, Zander! You look good today, Zander! We're so proud of you, Zander! Sign my ass, Zander! Marry me, Zander!


Okay, I think the last two are a little too far, but that's just me.

D: I don't even understand why he's so popular! All he does is laugh at people and mess around with those stupid friends of his.

D: I bet the only reason why he's popular is because he's good at sports and because of his "daddy dearest".

N: What?

D: You've got to know that his dad does some sort of business job.

N: Of course-

D: Which obviously makes him and his family rich.

N: Makes sense...

D: I'm pretty sure that's the only other reason he's so popular at school.

N: Oh-

D: And I bet the reason he always passes tests is because he convinces the teachers to give him a good grade.

D: You know, I wouldn't be surprised if one day he actually failed a test and threw a tantrum and complained to his daddy dearest and have him sue the school and fire the teacher.

N: I'm sure he wouldn't do that.

D: Yes he would.

D: You see, he's so afraid that something or someone will make a dent in his perfect reputation that he'll cower at even the slightest bit of criticism or challenge and act as if it was the end of the world.

N: I'm pretty sure he's just sensitive.

D: No he's not.

N: Maybe he's putting too much pressure on himself?

D: Why are you even defending him?

N: I'm not! I'm just telling you that he may not be what he seems!

D: It sounds like to me you're getting all defensive of him.

N: I said I'm not!

D: Is it because of those times he helped you? Perhaps it's that pleasant little talk you had with him today?

N: No.

D: Then why are you defending him?

N: I'm not defending him, Damien!

D: Yes you are!

D: I honestly can't believe this! After all those times I've been nice to you, you go and defend that evil, backstabbing liar!

N: He's not a liar!

D: See! You're defending him!

N: Damien!

D: Shut up, Noah. I'm going.

N: Damien, no! I'm not defending anyone here!

After I sent the last message, I waited for a few minutes to see if he would respond, but he didn't. Setting my phone on my bedside table, I sighed and closed my eyes.

What had I done?

Or mostly importantly, what was even happening right now?

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