Chapter Seventeen

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Tap Tap Tap

As soon as I heard the noise, I groaned and closed my eyes tighter. There was no way that dad was waking me up for school this early, especially after seeing how little I slept last night, trying to complete two pages of math problems that I didn't understand and having to read this eighteen page story we were analyzing in language arts class. Between that and my thoughts about Alicia, Damien and Zander, I had dragged myself to bed completly exhausted last night. Even then, it felt like only minutes ago that I had drifted off to sleep.

Tap Tap Tap

I groaned again, snuggling under the covers and refusing to open my eyes. Dad could try and wake me up all he wanted, but at this point, I didn't care. It wasn't like there was any special events or parties at school (not that I would want to go to them anyways) and there weren't any tests that I knew of. Even better, if I stayed home from school, I wouldn't have to get embrassed yet again by Mr. Greene or have another encounter with Alicia, Damien or Zander. It was enough already that I suspected there was some unknown thing going on between them, I didn't want to make it worse.

Tap Tap Tap

"Go away!" I whined, still not opening my eyes. It felt silent and I made a contented noise, pulling the covers furthur over my body. I was about to drift off to sleep again when suddenly...

Tap Tap Tap

"Dad, stop, I don't wanna go to school today." I whined, burying my face in my pillow.

Tap Tap Tap

"Alright, I'll go." I huffed, opening my eyes and turning around to look at Dad. However, there was no one standing by my bed like I expected.

"Dad?" I whispered, and started to look around me wondering where he might be. "Dad, are you here?"

Tap Tap Tap.

I jumped when that inferring noise started back up again.

"Dad, this isn't funny-" I started, but stopped and alsmost screamed as soon I looked at my bedroom window.

I guess I had found what was making that tapping noise.

There, sitting in the tree next to my window was someone. A tall, blue eyed, dark haired, long eyelashed someone. I stared at him as I opened my window.

"Zander, what are you doing here?!" I gasped, keeping my voice low as possible so Dad or Charlotte couldn't hear.

"I've come to tell you something."

"Wait." I said, "How do you know where I live?"

"Alicia told me."

"How does she know where I live?!"

"She said something about walking home from school and seeing your dad's car drive by or something like that."

"Oh." I said, squinting out into the darkness at him, still trying to comprehend why he's here."

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I finally asked.


"What about him?"

"He isn't - What he's saying about me isn't right." Zander sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"All this shit he's going on about me using people to my advantage. It's not true, I don't do that."


"if anything, it's him that's using people to his advantage, not me." Zander went on. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I don't see him taking advantage of me." I said. The truth was, he has been anything but cruel. Besides those tense moments between us, we didn't really argue or get mad at each other, not like Zander and I sometimes did. Hell, he even stood up against Zander for me!

"He never took advantage of you?." Zander murmured. I nodded.

"How nice of him." he said, a smile spreading across his face, an almost dreamy look in his eyes. "How very nice of him."

"Zander, why-"

Before I could finish my sentence however, he was gone. 

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