Chapter Thirty Four

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"Alright everyone, pencils down. Make sure your name is on your test and pass it forward. No writing in answers at this point if you didn't finish since the test is over. If I catch you making as much as one mark on your paper, you will automatically fail the test, even if you finished and got all the answers right."

As soon as those words left Mr. Moore's mouth, the knot in my stomach only grew. For the past half hour, I had been busy staring pathetically at my math test, trying to make sense of the problems, wishing that I had paid better attention in class so I could at least know some stuff. That or I wished that I didn't faint that time in PE when two periods later we would be doing a math review that I could study and use on the test (my math notebook was no use to me since it was 90% filled with sketches, drawings, and doodles and 10% filled with actual notes). Unfortunately though, I couldn't turn back time and change the past so here I was, with a ¼ filled in math test (the ¼ being just randomly scribbled numbers) that had random doodles taking up half of the page (I'm not even going to comment on the heart that I drew in the top left corner of the page that had ZA + NB written in it).

"Hey, are you going to pass the papers forward or not?"

I jumped slightly and looked up to see a girl with wavy blonde hair turning around from her seat in front of me to glare at me.

"I-um- yeah. Sorry I was just thinking...hold on..." I muttered, looking down at my desk. Sure enough there were two more tests on it that didn't belong to me. I frantically grabbed them, stacked them on top of each other, put my paper on top and gave them to the girl. She huffed and snatched them from my hand so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if I got a paper cut.

After that little encounter, I just sighed and laid my head on my desk, waiting for the bell to ring. It should've rung a few seconds ago, but I still haven't heard its usual nasally sound. Maybe it was off by a few seconds. I guess I could manage to wait one more minute before getting out of this hellhole and finally being able to go to the one class I had with Alicia.

One minute passed...

Two minutes passed...

Three minutes passed...

Okay, this bell was way off, like, by several minutes. Maybe it had a mind of its own, like a human does, or had the ability to read student's minds. Maybe it was reading my mind right now and knew how much I wanted to get out of math and away from this less than friendly teacher and these less than friendly students so it was going to wait a few minutes to subject me to this torture even longer.

I guess it wasn't just me who had noticed the bell was off though. Many of the students had worried looks on their faces and were whining about how the bell hasn't rung yet. Even Mr. Moore had a look of confusion on his face. Almost everyone had packed up by now, ready to go off to their next class (or go make out in the secluded areas in the school and ditch class completely or whatever they do these days).

Just as we were about to lose hope however, the bell finally rang. I had never been so happy to hear that annoying nasally sound in my life.

Finally being able to escape this hellhole that was called a math class, I slung my backpack over my shoulders and tried my best to get out of the classroom as fast as I could. It was a bit difficult since many of the students had the same "get out of this hellhole" mindset that I did so my tiny body got pushed and shoved to the side quite a bit. However, I finally managed to get through the door and out in the open.

After trying to push my way through the massive crowd of students trying to get to their next classes and nearly getting crushed by two boys who were five times bigger than me, I finally got to language arts class. I sighed heavily when I plopped into my seat next to Alicia and she looked at me with an amused expression on her face.

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