Chapter Fourteen

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What I am currently doing was the last thing I expected to be doing during break next Monday.

I was sitting on my usual bench by the library, starting a new drawing. Having finally finished the first two chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, at home last night, I decided to draw Harry looking at the snake at the zoo.

"What're you drawing?" a voice had said above me. I looked up to see Alicia standing in front of me.

"The scene where Harry is looking at the snake." I answered.

"Is that why you decided to check out the book?"

"I guess."

"Cool! Do you want to walk the track with me?" Alicia asked.


"So we can talk again, of course! You're a nice person to talk to, even if you are a bit shy sometimes."

I thought over what she just said to me. I appreciated that she thought I was nice to talk to, despite me being shy. In fact, she was quite a nice person to talk to herself, with her not going on about how I was new to the school and now, I guess, was the latest person who got caught up in drama with Zander.

"There's not that many people who walk the track during break." Alicia added, noticing my expression.

"Okay, I'll go." I agreed, standing up and putting my sketchbook into my backpack. Alicia and I made our way to the PE area, put our backpacks against the wall next to the equipment room, and walked out to the track. A cold gust of wind blew by and I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm.

"So, has anything interesting happened lately with you?" Alicia asked. "You know, besides the whole Zander thing."

"Not much." I answered. Ever since our two arguments the other day, things have been quiet between us. Yes, I still sat next to him in PE, but we never conversed anymore (not like we did much in the first place, but still). However, we did glance at each other every once in a while, me noticing that his glances were more...angrier than before, sort of reminisiencent of the way he had looked at me in my dream. On top of that, we had to run in the park again today and as soon as Mr. Greene made us partner up, Zander went to go find his friend. Since there was an odd number of people this time, I was stuck partnerless. It wasn't as if I really liked having Zander as a running partner from the last time we ran, but at least that was better than nothing. I still couldn't forget the odd looks people gave me as we lined up side by side to go into the park.

"Hey, Noah?" Alicia asked, nudging me on the shoulder.

"You can always-"

"Noah, you forgot your sweater!"

Alicia and I turned to see Damien running across the track to us, holding my lilac hoodie in his hand. I noticed Alicia stiffen beside me.

"Thank you!" I gasped, grabbing the hoodie from him and slipping it on as soon as he got over to us. He blinked in surprise before sighing and shaking his head.

"You're welcome, Noah."

"Hey, Damien!" Alicia exclaimed, waving at him a little too excitedly.

"Hi, Alicia." Damien said back, in a monotone sort of voice. I could feel the awkwardness in the air multiply by two.

"I'm just walking the track with Noah, if you don't mind." Alicia explained. Damien clenched his jaw.

"I see that." he muttered, his voice stiff.

"Damien, you do want to- '' Alicia started to say.

"No, I'm fine, thanks." Damien interrupted. He then turned his back on us and started to walk back to the blacktop.

"Well that was awkward." Alicia commented, echoing my thoughts.


"Do you want to continue to walk the track?"


"Great!" Alicia exclaimed, and I couldn't help but notice the slight strain in her voice.

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