19. It's time to STOP.

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Back with us, we finally made it in the area of F's cave, and it was obvious that we HAD to slowly walk to find out on who was actually screaming and where it ACTUALLY was coming from.

"Who do you think X is about to kill?" L whispered softly.

"I can barely hear you, you know.." O replied back with a confused face.

"Ah, my bad." L cleared out his throat. "Anyways, who do you think X is about to kill?"

"I highly doubt it's any other letter instead of A. I mean, hear his screaming. We should get rid of X ASAP." I replied back with clear explanation.

"Sounds about right for your answer." O said sternly. "Although, how do we encounter X to stop him from attacking A?"

"Not sure. I'll take a quick peek." I also said as I took a quick look of X holding a chainsaw and chasing A in circles while B and C sits there being tied, while B has the look of horror and C has the look of sudden held rage.

I couldn't believe what was happening, so I looked back at L and O quick and told them what was going on.

"B and C are WHAT?!" O's face dropped. "TIED!?"

"I believe if X kills A, then he'll also take away B and C's lives too." L sternly stated. "Let's. Fuck. Him. Up."

"HELL YES!" O shouted out loud without even realizing that X CAN hear it.

But I didn't even notice that he just stopped himself from chasing A in circles and then walked close to me, having the look of disappointment, unamusement, and Tire in front of O and L THEMSELVES. (No wonder why I was sorta confused either)

And his gem seems to be.. working but only in half-regular and half-corrupted?

"You really tried so hard on your plan of fucking Me up, huh?" X smacked angrily

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"You really tried so hard on your plan of fucking Me up, huh?" X smacked angrily. "How Pathetic. If only you and L had a better understanding for a plan on how to stop me, then you would be in full success. What else is new for you guys? To squeak at me like immature rats and to beat me like babies?"

And just then, X started to laugh, which made me confused and L started to get pissed while O rolled his eye away from X.

"LISTEN HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" L talked back loud. "If you don't quit your plan on trying to kill A and his two close friends, then we have no other choice but to stop you from Speaking!"

"No. I can guess that it would be YOU who will be the ones being stopped from speaking along with O. I'm tired of you guys randomly appearing up in front of MY OWN FACE." X talked back as he dropped the chainsaw to the ground.

Homicide/殺人 (An Alphabet Lore AU)Where stories live. Discover now