17. Party!!

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I don't feel like writing their convo high so if you want to see what their conversation is while they are high are watching the video below.

Christan and Marie pick us up.

"Are you two high right now?", Marie asks us.

I look at Makayla.

"Shit, did they catch on?", I ask. Makayla looks at them and raises her eyebrow. She looks back at me.

"Nope, we're good. If anything. Just deny, deny, deny.", Makayla says. I nod.

"You look really pretty, Marie.", Makayla says.

Marie rolls her eyes. I look at Christan.

"You look soooo pretttyyy.", I say. Christan chuckles.

"Are you laughing at me?", I say, as I look up at him.

"We're here.", Christian says.

I look at Makayla and grab her hands as we throw them up into the sky.

"Yay!!", we both say. Christan and Marie help us out of the car, and we arrive inside the party house.

"I'll get them water.", Christan says, then looks at me, and grabs my face. "Stay here", he tells me. I smile at him and then kiss his hand. "Yes sir.", I say. Christan walks away, after leaving us.

"I have to pee.", I say low and slow.

"I have to pee!!", I then say louder, causing eyes to cross my path.

Makayla giggles.

"Ok, do you want me to come with you?", Marie asks.

"I'm a grown fucking person. I can go by myself.", I say, walking away from them and then toward the bathroom. I head to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and smile.

"Hey, do you need help?", a woman says.

"I can handle myself, lady. I'm a Hicks.", I say, then slowly repeat "hicks", as I fall to the floor.

Third Person's POV

Juliet falls to the floor.

"She's Juliet Smith-Hicks.", the lady says, then picks up her phone. "Found her, boss."

Oh no, Juliet is in trouble. What does she want with her? Is it about her parents? Will Christian find her in time? Stay tuned to find out!

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