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(picture is Alex's brother Aaron)

A few weeks later

"HEY TURN THAT CRAP OFF!" says one of the people in the hotel banging on the wall. My best friend Charlie and I burst out laughing and I turn down the stereo that's blasting out 5 seconds of summer "Sorry we were just having fun!" I shout back "Oh my god I can't believe were here" says Charlie, " hey I got you here!" I had gotten Charlie plane tickets to come with me to L.A since she wanted to come to playlist with us plus it meant we could record some covers together

"We should probably go if we want to meet up with Aaron at the studio" I say and we both and get ready

I get change into my nirvana top shorts, converse and I grab my varsity jacket and I straighten my Brown and Blond hair a few moments later Charlie comes out the bathroom wearing a blue plaid button down skinny jeans and her brown and blue hair under a snapback "come on then" I say and we head down to the studio.

We spend a little time working on new songs then we do a cover with me and charlie on vocals and Aaron on guitar.

After were done recording a few things Aaron says he wants to explore and charlie nods "You coming Alex?" asks Charlie "Nah I'm gonna record some more you guys go on ahead." I say turning back to my guitar they leave I work on my own stuff for a while mainly just our own songs and one cover.

When I'm leaving the studio I can hear loud people shouting stuff and when I walk around the corner I walk smack bang into one of them and land on my ass "Luke you idiot you almost killed someone!" says a voice "Blame Michael he was the one chasing me!" I kinda feel like they've forgotten I'm even here I sit on the floor rubbing my head. "Umm guys the girl is still on the floor" says another voice and a hand appears "You want a hand?" "nah I'm just gonna stay down here its really comfortable" I say then I look up and see the face of Ashton Irwin, he looks a little freaked out "just kidding, thanks" I say, I grab his hand and get up he looks at my top "Nirvana?" he asks "uh yeah I like them" "Yeah I do too...uh My names Ashton and this is Michael,Calum and the guy who almost ran you over is Luke" I look over at him "uh yeah sorry" I smile "nah it's fine I have an older brother I'm used to being knocked on my ass.. and I uh know who you are I listen to your music"

"cool. was that you in the recording room?" Luke asks, oh god they heard me "umm yeah" I say nervously Ashton smiles "you sounded really good" says Mikey and then Calum's eyes go wide "Oh my god I know you! Your I'm so awkward from youtube!" he says "uh yeah" I say smiling "nice to know you're a fan" I say "not as much as Ashton is" says Mikey nudging Ashton "He practically freaked when he heard you the recording room" says Luke. I look at them confused then I realize Ashton has gone pink from blushing and the guys laugh just as he is about to say something my phone goes off I pull it out of my pocket and I see charlie is ringing me "Hey where the hell are you? you should've been done by now!" she says "Uh yeah I am I just ran into some people and kinda got talking" I say "it better not be mark,ken or mary you'll end up going to theirs to play video games or something" she says annoyed "yeah yeah anyway its not them I'll tell you when I get to the hotel you're gonna kill me when you find out" I say and I turn back to the guys "I gotta go" I say and I start to walk past them "are you gonna be at playlist" asks Calum "Uh yeah I am" I say and I keep walking.

Back at the hotel

"YOU MET WHO!!" says Charlie "like I said I turned the corner and I smashed straight into Luke" she stares at me open mouthed Charlie has the biggest crush on Luke "Okay okay okay tell me how it happened from start to finish" so I tell her and by the end she is sitting there open mouthed "so they watch your channel" she says "I guess" "and when they said ashton was a big fan he blushed" she says "uh yeah" I say shrugging "OH MY GOD what if he has a fan crush on you!!" she says standing up "OMG YOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE!! are the going to Playlist???" she says excitedly "um I think so and he probably doesn't have a crush on me" I say then I turn on the TV and an interview with 5sos comes on.

Interviewer:So we have a fan question here guys. are you crushing on anyone right now and if so who?

M: ooOOOooooHHHhhhh

L: I'm not I know that

C:ashton is *points at ashton*

interviewer: Ashton is this true?

long pause A:well

L: just say it


A: okay okay....yes i do but it's more like a fan crush thing


Interviewer: can you tell us who

A: umm I will give you a clue its a youtuber that I watch

Interviewer: Oooohhhhh well there you go guys ashton has a secret crush

Then Charlie mutes it "OH MY FUCKING GOD I KNEW IT HE LIKES YOU" she says and she get so excited she falls off the sofa, I burst out laughing "oh come on Charlie he could mean anyone he watches on youtube its probably not me" I say but deep down inside I get really excited what if it is me?

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