Promise me one thing

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The next day

I sit in a room listening to what the doctor is telling me about my brother's condition "His lungs filled with fluids but we managed to drain them, he will need to have a oxygen tank to help him breath from now on" he says and I nod "what about air travel? we were meant to fly back home to the UK today" I say "I don't think he would be well enough for it even if we got him oxygen he needs a few more days to get healthier before traveling" he says calmly "the good news is he should be well enough to come home later on today" he continues and then he talks about the treatment Aaron will need. After the meeting I go and visit Aaron, when I walk into his room he is sitting up "how you feeling?" I ask "shaky but okay." he says and I sit next to his bed on a chair "what did they doctor say?" he asks sitting up further " he says you will need an oxygen tank to help you breath from now on and you'll be given drugs and medicines that I pronounce the names of" I say and he nods "look Alex if I die-" he starts but I cut him off "don't say that, you're gonna be okay" I say "If I do, then I don't want you wasting your life grieving over me, I don't want you blaming yourself or saying you wish it was you. If I do go I want you to move on I want you to be strong, I know you will be okay on your own." he says and he takes my hand "promise me alex, promise me that one thing" he says his eyes are watering and I nod "I promise."

-Next day-

Aaron seems to be getting better so they let him come back to the flat, I managed to book us a few more days but in one of those apartments you can rent on holidays until Aaron was ready for travel. Aaron now has an oxygen tank on wheels he brings around with him, its connected to tubes which go into his nose and help him breath. "I think I'm gonna call it Dave" says Aaron randomly when we are watching mean girls "What?" I say pausing the movie and looking at him "My oxygen tank I think I'm gonna call him Dave" he says "okay,Why?" I ask and Aaron shrugs "it looks like a Dave" he says and I laugh at him "you're so weird" I say Aaron smirks "I must catch it from hanging out with you and charlie" I turn and look at him "thats it" I say and I smack him in the face with a pillow. "Hey!!" he says and I grin at him "that's what you get, and you only hang out with us because you have no other friends" I say this time is Aaron's turn to hit me with the pillow and he does "hey! that hurt!" I say and he just laughs "put the movie back on" he says and I stick my tongue out at him and switch the movie back on.

Near the end I get a text from Ashton

A: Where are you?

-In the holiday apartment watching movie with Aaron, why?

A:I want to see you

-K, when and where

A: The park near starbucks 15 mins

-See ya then

"I gotta go" I say and Aaron nods "see ya" he says and I grab my phone and leave

When I get to the park ashton is already there sitting under a big oak tree "Hey" I say and Ash smiles when he sees me "hey thanks for coming" "no problem" I say and I take a seat next to him "so why did you want to see me?" I ask and Ashton puts his arm around me "Okay so I'm leaving tomorrow because I'm going on tour" he says my smile fades a little "okay" I say "and since me and you are kinda going out but it's not official and people know I like you and that we're 'friends' and like you said you don't want rumors going around-" he says "ash where where you going with this" I say "Before I leave why don't we make it official." he says "wait are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask and Ash smiles "yeah, I am" he says I look at him and smile back "okay then" I say. "Great,cool. Just one more thing" he says and before I can ask what he kisses me. It catches me off guard. When his lips leave mine he smiles and says "I had to do that" I laugh and blush looking down "goodnight Ashton" I say getting up "come say goodbye to me at the airport tomorrow?" he asks and I turn around "sure" I respond and I start walking away.

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