From good to bad

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"Sooooo" I say when we pull up in front of my hotel "I'm flying back to the Uk tomorrow" I say and the smile fades from ashton face."What time" he asks "about 12pm why" I say looking over at him "I wanna say goodbye" he says and he smiles I can feel myself blushing "skype when I'm gone?" I say and he nods "I'll be waiting" I laugh and get out the car "Bye Ash" I say and I shut the door and walk away I look up and see Charlie on the balcony looking down "How long were you spying on us" I shout "not long" I roll my eyes and walk into the hotel and get the lift up when I reach my room Charlie opens the door and pulls me in "guess what!" she says excitedly "what?" "I spent half the day with Luke" she says and she squeals "really how'd that happen?!" suddenly I'm the one who wants to know everything but hey what can I say, "okay okay so basically I was bored so after you left I went to starbucks and bumped into Luke there and he asked me if I wanted to hang out for a bit so we did and then when we were walking back we past the nados you guys went to and we saw you guys inside so we hid behind a bush and we saw you taking pics with some fans and we were like 'so cute' and I almost fell backwards because you know who clumsy I am and Luke practically caught me by putting his arm around my waist I felt like I was in some movie!" she says and she flops back on her bed I laugh "so you guys gonna start going out?" I say and she bolts up "I DON'T KNOW I mean I want to but he probably doesn't like me and I was fangirling so much on the inside when I was with him I thought I was gonna faint! I burst out laughing "I can imagine you on a date with him and being like 'oh hey' *FAINT* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I end up laughing so hard I fall on the floor and charlie starts whacking me with a pillow soon we are both dying of laughter Aaron comes in from his joint room "what did i just walk in on?!" he says and I try to explain but just end up laughing more

"okay I'm gonna go......" Aaron says slowly walking out of the room and back to his "Oh god we are so weird" I say calming down "I know, god why do people hangout with us?!" says charlie getting up. After a while Charlie goes and watches TV while I edit my daily vlog when suddenly I hear charlie shouting "ALEX!!!" "what!!!" I say walking into the main room "look" she says pointing towards the TV there's a 5sos Live interview on "So Ashton this secret crush of yours"


Int: "Can you spill the beans?"

A: "well"

L "go on ashton you never know she might like you back"

calum and mikey lean closer to Ash

A"okay fine"


A"Her name is Alex she has this youtube channel called I'm so awkward" all the guys start teasing him and he ends up blushing

Int "Does she know?"

A "well we met her and her friend at playlist and yeah me and her went out for nandos but just as friends"

C"OH MY GOD we need a ship name...."



A:"shut up guys"

Int:"so ashton do you think she feels the same way??"

A"probably not"

At that point I pick up my phone and text him 'I'm watching the interview you dork ;-)'

I hear his phone go off on the Tv


Int"nah its fine" Ash checks it and then puts it face down on the floor

"Um yeah guys that was her she just texted me"


Int"what'd she say"

A:just that she was watching the interview.....Hi Alex" he says waving to the camera


and then charlie turns off the TV "HE LIKES YOU HE SAID IT ON LIVE TV YOU GUYS WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER!" she starts freaking out. And then I hear it the scream of pain from my brother that I've only heard once before "CHARLIE CALL 911 IT'S AARON!"

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