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A/N: okay so I thought I would put a trigger warning here because this chapter does involve some stuff even though it's not in much detail but just incase you're sensitive about that stuff

"Devin what are you doing" I ask but he just smirks and pushes me against the wall and kisses my neck "devin s-stop" I say as he pushes the hem of my top up "I don't want this" I say and I struggle but he just laughs and says in a low voice "there's no point you're all mine" I start to panic and try kicking him but he is holding my legs down with his and thats when I hear it "hey get off of her" Isaac. He pulls devin off me and repeatedly punches him in the face until Devin nose bleeds, I'm pretty sure he broke it and then he grabs my hand and pulls me away from Devin all I remember after that was crying into Isaac's chest. The the messages start "you whore" "I never even loved you" "no one will your worthless" I blocked his number but he kept finding a way to contact me then he went to social media and other people joined in, I'm pretty half of them don't even know me but the hate kept coming and I kept cutting, I stopped after a while I even stopped hiding them then I met James and we were so good for each other but then the called me up " I don't think I can do this anymore" "what why" I thought things were going great "I can't take the looks i get when I'm with my friends they always look at me like I'm crazy to be going out with you, they say that you'd be beautiful if it wasn't for the scars.. I just can't handle the looks I get and the things my friends say I'm sorry alex it's over" I hung up after that and let the tears fall I'm worthless, i'm not good for anyone I am and will never be loved, why is there any point, no one cares anymore, I'm an embarrassment, a mistake Then isaac is there and he wraps his arms around me "it's okay I'm here for you" he says but then everything becomes dark and he is suddenly holding me down like devin was "No isaac stop".
I wake up with a jolt and panting it was just a dream I think but I can't get over the betrayal that Isaac,Devin and james inflicted on me is ashton eventually going to betray me? I look down at my arms, pull back my sleeves and stare at the scars. I gaze lands on the biggest one i have and I trace my fingertips over the words
She paints a pretty picture
but the story has a twist
the paintbrush is a razor
the canvas is her wrist.

I look over at Ashton who doesn't look like he is gonna get up and I get out if bed and walk to the bathroom. All I want it for the pain to go away, I sit the razor in front of me and pull my sleeves up, find an empty spot and carve an infinity sign into my arm. I watch as the skin goes red and my arm bleeds slightly as soon as I've done it I feel sick so I wash the blade and put it back then cover my arm with my sleeve and go back to bed trying to ignore the slight stinging coming from my new cut.

​The next morning we all pack our stuff and head out to get the plans to Sydney. Charlie managed to get plane tickets and is coming with us
"why is it so early?" Says a very sleepy Charlie guaranteed it wasn't the best idea to go out partying till late then get up early to catch a plane all of the boys are not even fully awake "my heads killing me" says Mikey as he leans his head against the door frame immediately regretting it "ow" he says rubbing his head I shake my head and smile. Ashton leans against the wall of the elevator pulling me to his chest so my backs against his chest he wraps his arms around my waist. "aw cute, my otp" says charlie as she makes a heart with her hands and puts us in it, I roll my eyes "so are we gonna talk about the Cuke date or..." I say Luke raises an eyebrow while charlie blushes "Cuke?" he says "well you guys can't be cake since thats you and calum" I say and Luke immediately lets go of charlies hand and hugs calum "CAKE!" he shouts. "ew guys PDA" says Mikey laughing lightly cringing from his headache and the noise luke just made "well even thought i like Alshton (alex and ashton), i ship mashton more" I say wriggling out of ashtons grasp and standing in front of them both putting my hands into a heart shape like charlie did before, ashton and mikey pose together and i laugh as the elevator doors open letting us out.

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