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Isaac insisted he would drive me to the airport since I gave him a ride home (with a slight detour to my studio) "Isaac you really don't have to do this" I say getting in his car "yes I do you're my bestfriend and you're gonna be gone for months I wanna say goodbye" he says and he starts the car and we drive to the airport "geez you know we can skype and text Isaac" "yeah but it's not the same" "whatever" I say looking out the window I am so excited for new york I really hope I can see a yankees game. I am obsessed with The new york yankees, growing up with only your older brother to influence you means you kinda turn out to be a tomboy. I remember spending hours watching basketball games, baseball and football (or soccer whatever you want to call it) while Aaron sat next to me shouting at his team, I always used to tease him by saying the people couldn't hear him until I was watching a chicago bulls game and Aaron walked in on me screaming at the TV.

"Hello!!! earth to Alex" I get snapped out of my thoughts by Isaac snapping his fingers in my face "sorry what" "I said hows things with the drummer" he says "His name is ashton and things are great..why do you care anyways" I sat folding my arms over my chest "I care about you like a little sister Alex I want to know if the guy is treating you right" "since when" "after you went out with that douche Devin" my eyes immediately fall to my arms I shake the thought out of my head I don't want to think about the scars and what devin said "yeah well he was a prick and I have learnt not to fall for guys like him" I say and I smirk "anyway Mr. I care about you hows your love life bet all the girls London couldn't keep their hands off of you" I say Isaac went to london for studies and he has a bit of a reputation when it comes to flirting and girls and no he's not a player just very good at getting girls. His charm has never worked on me though I think thats one reason why we became best friends. "Oh ha ha. anyway I dunno how it is, I mean I'm dating anyone" he says "do you like anyone?" I ask "maybe" he says looking over at me. We pull up to the airport and Isaac helps me grab my stuff out the boot. "I'll see you soon" I say giving him a hug "you better skype me" he says and I laugh "fine, bye Isaac" I say and I walk off and go through security. I have about half an hour to kill before I have to get on the plane so I go and grab food at costas and text ashton that I'm gonna be on the plane soon and then I sit around for a while before getting a call from Charlie

"hey" "you on the plane yet" she says "no I have about fifteen minutes before I board" I respond "good 'cos you left your camera behind" "WHAT CHARLIE!" I say and I start panicking "hahahahah just kidding" "dont fucking do that!!" all I can hear is laughing "I will hang up" I say "no! no! I'm sorry okay but seriously say hi to the guys for me and have a good time, missing you already" "alright soppy, miss you too" I say and I hang up and then my gate gets called and I join the line and we all start boarding. I sit there catching up on episodes of The Walking Dead that I'd missed on my laptop. Wow the season 5 finale was intense... after I've recovered from the emotional rollercoaster that is TWD I watch a few movies and then the captain says we will be landing soon. It feels good to stretch after being sat in a plane for seven hours. I text ashton and tell him I'm at the airport. I don't get a response but instead I feel two arms wrap around my waist, I quickly turn around and see Ashton smirking down at me. "Don't do that" I say and punch him he just laughs and I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back "You have no idea how much I missed you" he says and I smile "I've missed you too." We walk out of the airport together and when we get outside Ash leads me to a car and the window rolls down when we get closer "ALEX!" says Mikey "hey" I say getting in and seeing Luke and Calum are sitting in the back aswell. We all drive to the hotel and we out the radio on it ends up with Mikey and I jamming out to My Chemical Romance. "AND THEY SAID ALL TEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME,THEY COULD CARE LESS AS LONG AS SOMEONE WILL BLEED SO DARKEN YOUR CLOTHES OR STRIKE A VIOLENT POSE MAYBE THEY'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE BUT NOT ME!" we shout and I laugh at Mikey's headbanging "Hey you're gonna kill us" says Luke "calm down" says Mikey and he stops head banging only to look in the rear view mirror to see me holding my phone up "are you filming?" "maybe" I smirk and Mikey narrows his eyes at me "you're evil" he says "I know" I say and calum laughs. I look down at my phone (thats is filming) and stop the video I turn to see luke looking at my phone and I put a finger to my lips "shh" I say and Luke nods. We pull up to the hotel and I hear a few girls shout "5sos." They guys turn around and the girls start screaming "oh ma gawd we are like such big fans could we get a few pictures" they ask and the guys agree I stand awkwardly at the side trying not to get in the way and then a few more groups of fans come over and I just stand there and smile at the fans and say hi awkwardly I then feel ashtons arm wrap around my waist and he kisses me on the cheek I hear a few people saying 'aw' and the snap of cameras "Sorry, it's just it was too adorable how awkward you were being" says ashton I smile up at him "my pleasure" I say and then he lets go and takes more picture with fans "Alex! over here!" I turn and see a group of girls calling me over I walk over and say hi "We love you're videos" "aw thanks" I say "Do you know how you'd be cute with?" asks one girl "no who?" "Josh hutcherson" they say I laugh Josh is like my celeb crush - well other than ashton- "yeah he's pretty cute" I say "who is" says Ashton coming up behind me "Josh hutcherson" I say and ashton bends down and whispers in my ear "you're mine" "I know that, dork" I say and he smiles. I turn back to the girls "do you guys have a favourite video of mine "well we all really liked your dance videos" one says I can't remember the last time I danced it must have been before Aaron before playlist. I was quite good "yeah I haven't danced in a while" I say could you maybe dance now?" one asks and the others look hopeful I don't wanna let my fans down "sure but it might not be the best" I say and the girls get all the fans that have gathered to clear a space for me and I find a song on my ipod I can remember the routine to and start dancing (skip to 0:24 in video) once I'm done they all clpa and I do a little bow and laugh "thanks so much guys" I say and walk into the crowd where ashton is "never knew you could dance like that" he says "I have my secrets" I say and the guys say bye to all the fans and we head inside the hotel. "Okay really how did you get that good at dancing?" asks Mikey he is still in shock he didn't know I could dance "I told you practice a lot of practice" I say and Mikey flops back on the bed "I'M HUNGRY!" he says "You're always hungry" says Calum I laugh and Mikey pretends to be hurt "oh come on Mikey" says luke and Mikey fake cries "We'll get pizza" I say and Mikey looks up "weally" he says like a little kid "yes I'm hungry too come on ROOM SERVICE!" I say and we call and get a HUGE pizza for the five of us. When it arrives we all take a piece except Luke "Luke, hello pizza right here" says Calum and Luke doesn't look up from his phone "whatcha doin'" I say going over and taking his phone I look at it and see he's looking at a snapchat from Charlie.

"so you and charlie then" I say

"um no were just good friends okay" he says and takes his phone back

"Luke..." says Mikey

"okay so I'm talking to her but ashton has his girlfriend here so why can't I talk to my..." he starts and then trails off I raise my eyebrows

"Luke just tell me if you're dating I don't care I just wanna know, charlie is my best friend" I say

Luke sighs "I dunno if we are dating but we've been out a few times and we talk all the time" he says

"so have you asked her out yet" "no" "LUKE!!! you have to believe me she likes you and it's not just a fan crush anymore I mean it kinda is but still she's gotten to know you, she likes you!!!! ask her out!!" I say shaking luke by the shoulders "okay okay I will geez" he says pushing my hands off and dialing Charlie's number "was charlie like this with you and ashton?" asks calum "worse" I respond and he laughs. Luke puts charlie on speaker and tells to be quiet "hey charlie" "hi luke hows the tour is Alex there yet?" "It's great and yeah Alex is here" "cool so whats up" "well we've been hanging out a lot and I've really liked hanging out with you" "okay" she says dragging out the word "well I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime" "like a date?" she asks "um yeah like a date" there is silence on the other end "um hold on" she says and I hear her on the other end "OH MY GAWD! uh huh oh yeah luke hemming wants to date me oh huh oh yeah" I can tell she is doing her happy dance I think she must think she muted the call but she hasn't. We all try and hold in our laughter until she comes back "um yeah sure I'd love to but you're in new york and I'm in Brighton" she says "we have a day off tomorrow and we'll still be here why don't you come" "really?! yeah okay! I'll see you tomorrow then" "bye Charlie" luke says and hangs up I burst out laughing "we can't tell her that we heard her happy dance she'd die of embarrassment" I say and they all agree and after we eat the pizza. Being in New york with my boyfriend and my new friends and my best friend coming to join us, this is gonna be good.


sorry if this sucked but it's just another filler chapter but anyway LUKE AND CHARLIE ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!

thanks for reads/votes/comments

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