Please be okay

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About two years ago my brother was told he had Thyroid cancer he went through a lot of surgery and treatment and he made a recovery and he has been fine ever since until now. I sit there holding his hand as we speed down roads in the ambulance. His eyes are closed he has an oxygen mask around his face and all I can do is sit there and think please dont be cancer please dont be cancer . A few moments later we pull up outside the hospital and they quickly get Aaron out of the ambulance and into the ICU. I'm told to wait in the corridor while they help him I sit on some chairs at the end of the hall and keep my eyes on the room where they wheeled Aaron into.

"hey" says Charlie sitting next to me "hi" I say quietly "is he okay?" she asks I look over at her she seems really nervous, I look back to the room "I don't know" I say and I look at the floor my head is buzzing with thoughts I can't take this all in...what if he isn't okay what if I loose him. "Miss Robsin" says a voice and I look up a nurse is standing there "yes" I say "Is he okay, Aaron my brother is he okay?" I say and she pulls a seat out and sits in front of me "I'm afraid his illness has become much more severe and has now spread and turned into stage 4 Thyroid cancer and it's spread to his lungs" she says I feel Charlie put her hand on my shoulder and the nurse goes on but I don't hear it all I can think of is one word cancer I bury my face in my hands I can't take the headache I have right now "Can I see him, please" I say looking at her I know I have tears in my eyes but I don't care who sees me, all I care about is Aaron.

The nurse nods and I get up and follow her she opens the door and he is lying there he looks so weak his eyes still closed tubes are running in and out of him there are two in his nose helping his breathing "I'll you guys alone" says the nurse before leaving I go and sit next Aaron and take his hand "hey little girl" he says thats his nickname for me "hey big bro" I say and he takes my hand we just sit there for a bit until I can't hold the tears in "hey don't cry it's gonna be okay I promise you" he says "I'm sorry I just can't lose you" I say "hey look at me" he says and she wipes away my tears with his thumb "I love you and I'm not going anywhere. We are a team me and you and we are going to get through this together" he says and I nod "I love you too" I say and I get up and leave him to sleep.

After I don't go back to Charlie, I leave the hospital and text her saying it's okay for her to go home and that Aaron is okay and then I take my car and drive, I don't know where I'm going but I need to clear my head. I end up on some hill overlooking the city I park my car and climb up and sit on the roof. I hear footsteps coming up behind but I don't turn around until I hear them getting on top of the car with me I turn and see Ashton "how did you know I was here?" I ask him "Charlie texted me said you had gone off I thought you might be up here" he says sitting next to me "how is he?" he asks "he has stage 4 thyroid cancer" I say and I can feel tears in my eyes "he has a small chance of surviving because they found out so late" I say and then I can't stop the tears "I'm sorry I just can't handle this" I say and Ashton puts his arm around me and moves closer "I know" he says "I can't lose him Ash. he is all I have" I say putting my head on Ash's shoulder "not true." he says "you have Charlie, and Luke and Calum and Mikey and you have me. I'm not gonna let you go through this on your own" he says and I move my head off his shoulder and look at him "thank you" I say and I kiss him on the cheek and then we just sit there together my head on his shoulder, his arm around me.

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