going back to normal....almost

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 I wake up tired and stressed from last night. I sit up and check my phone 6:00am is what my phone says the time is. put my head in my hands and sigh not wanting to even look at my laptop. "You okay?" says a voice I look down next to me and see ashtons just woken up "yeah I'm fine, sorry i woke you I couldn't sleep" I say "its fine" he says sleepily moving his hand of his face and moving to draw random patterns on my back, he knows doing this soothes me "I have to get up anyway, got to get to the studio to do work" he says sitting up and wrapping his arm around my waist "you sure your okay?" he ask nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck "I'm fine i promise, just tired" I say not lying "well i gotta get up,you get some sleep I'll be back later" he says getting up and kissing me before he disappears to shower and stuff. I lay back down and go back to sleep. The next time I wake up it's 10:30 so i decide to get up and shower and get . I walk down the stairs and find charlie on her laptop watching some random youtube video "You want pancakes!" I shout while going into the kitchen "hell yeah!" she shouts and I get my phone out and put Ariana Grande break free on full volume. "This is the part when i say i don't want ya, i'm stronger than I've been before. This is the part when I break free, cos i can't resist it no more!" I sing then i turn around see charlie and her phone "say hi to snapchat!" she says laughing. I hold my middle finger up to her and carry on jamming/making pancakes after I'm done i bring charlie her pancakes we sit together jamming to songs and eating. Charlie goes to watching something on her phone and then suddenly shouts "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" and hand me the phone, I see some video called 5ONTHEWALL i press play and it's just like a hidden camera thing on the boys. "do you know what it is?" she asks "no" i say shrugging my shoulder and grabbing our plates and shoving them in the dish washer "URGH COME ON LUKE ANSWER MY TEXTS!" she shouts. I laugh at her she still acts like such a hardcore fan, and no i'm not less of a fan i used to be but now it's not so "ERMEHGERD! LOOK AT THIS PICTURE ERMEHGERD!" i guess i'm not really a fan girl anymore, i mean i never really was i would never get as excited as my other friends when something to do with the boys happened. "he's probably recording charlie, just leave it" I say checking my phone as it starts blowing up. My twitter is blowing up with "ALEX DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THE BOYS ARE DOING!" "ALLLLLLLEEEEEXXXX WHAT IT GOING ON ILYSM BTW" "PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNOW WHAT THE 5ONTHEWALL THING IS!" I decided to text ashton
AL- can you please tell me why my twitter is blowing up with "OMG ALEX WHAT IS THE 5ONTHEWALL THING!"
As-No sorry its a secret ;)
AL-pretty please :*
As- no sorry
AL- i hate you D:
As- I love you too
AL- yeah yeah whatever Mr. cheesy see ya later :* xx
As- see ya xx
I then go back to twitter
Alex: Guys I don't know anything about the #5ONTHEWALL thing Ashton wont even tell me :(
it doesnt take long for the replies to start coming in "OMG! Ashton TELL HER!!" "WE MUST KNOW!" "WHY ASHTON WHY" after scrolling for a while I get a reply from ash
Alex: I dont hate you but charlie does :P
Ashton: @CharliePenguin Plz dont hate meh D:
I turn my phone off and grab my laptop, and start planning my weekly video for tomorrow. I'm just about done when i hear charlie shout "WHAT THE HELL. WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING! AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS COUNT DOWN!" I walk into her room and see she's on her laptop "what is it now!" I say "LOOK!" she turns the laptop to face me and I see it's on a website called 5onthewall.com with the same video that was on youtube playing and a clock counting down in the corner "charlie i have no idea whats going on alright stop overreacting!" i say laughing she suddenly pounces on me "PLEASE ALEX GET ASHTON TO TELL YOU! YOU KNOW I CAN'T HANDLE SUSPENCE PLEASE ALEX PLEASE!" she says shaking my shoulders "Okay! okay! damn you can get real crazy you know that" I say going out the room and getting my phone
Al- ahs
Al- ahs
Al-haha omg Ahs
Ash- i dont get it
Al-I was trying to type ash but it kept changing to ahs XD
Ash- I still dont get it
Al- Um ahs American Horror Story. Evan Peters
Ash- Who?
Al-He is like your ashton!
Ash- I dont see it
Ash-I still dont see it, but i look goooooood in that photo
Al- :| yeah sure whatever but how do you not
Al- Wait that last was you.....I think. ANYWAY thats not why i'm texting you
Ash- what is it?
Al- can you please tell me what the 5onthewall thing is cos charlie is going crazy and i think she might kill me
Ash- sorry alex I'm not allowed to say
Ash- woah
Al- told you she was crazy
Ash- I still cant tell you, you will find out soon i promise :*
Al- i better, luv u :*
Ash-Love you 2
"see i told you he wasn't able to tell" I say putting my phone away and flopping back on the couch "urgh fine!" she says sitting on the opposite couch "look they've been working on some new music maybe they're announcing that" I say and but she ignores me and goes back to her room to do whatever on her laptop.
-Skip ahead a few hours-
" This the realist shit i ever wrote. nah i aint playin' but my eyes are getting hella low, i've smoking hella dope. life has been incredible, travilin' round the country doing things unforgettable" I rap out loud along to skate maloley little bit playing off my phone "when it comes down to shit i'm still a kid, younger brother older sister I was just the middle kid" "nice rapping" says a voice making me jump i turn and see ashton leaning against the door frame smirking "how long have you been there?" I say pausing my music "long enough" he says I roll my eyes and turn back to making dinner "aw baby you're the best girlfriend ever, i love you! you really didn't have to do this" says ashton coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist "Ashton all i did was make spaghetti" I laugh "yeah but i really like spaghetti" he says. I giggle and set the plates down and Ashton starts eating while humming to some random tune. After we've finished i go to clean everything away when ashton wraps his arms around me and picks me up "ash!" I squeal and he sits on the couch and pulls me closer to him "i want cuddles!" he says nuzzling my neck "you're in a good mood" I say moving to snuggle next to ashton "yeah well the new music is real good i have amazing friends and family and i have you" he says "plus i just ate spaghetti" he smirks "such a Romeo" I say and my phone dings with a text i look at it before sitting up "are you okay?" ashton asks "yeah. um you know how i have to be in L.A next month" i reply "oh yeah why you going again?" ashton asks sitting up next to me "Vidcon. anyway my parents are kinda gonna be there and they want to meet you" i say and ashton gives me a confused look "i thought you didn't have parents?" "yeah i need to talk to you about something"

A/N took me way longer to write this chapter cos i changed it like three times. i was jamming to my fave playlist while writing this so thats why alex jams out twice in this :D

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