Chapter 3: Sweet scent

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(Image at top at twitter: @fatcatnluckydog)

3rd POV

The tall trees towered the sky and bright sunlight shone through them creating patches of shadows, beautiful flowers and plants that sprouted in the soil. Heavy steps trailed indenting the ground as a large black panther could be seen running through the vast jungle. So swiftly that it made animals around him hard to spot.

He roamed the dense jungle in search of food to devour. He hid in plain sight and peered through the green bushes as he waited for any beasts to roam by him. Once a beasts came near, he would instantly pounce not having the second for them to escape.


As the panther was searching for food, a sweet scent caught his attention. The scent was so addictive it made him turn to the direction of the scent.

The closer he went, the closer he knew it was a female. It made his insides rush with excitement as he followed the sweet and alluring scent.

There in the distance was a female that was sitting near a small river. His eyes gleamed that made his heart thump a beat the moment he saw her. She had a beautiful and curvy figure that complemented her fair delicate skin. Her long purple hair was thick and soft as the wind hit every strand making it blow in the breeze.

He couldn't believe that there was a female in the middle of nowhere. He purrs softly, seeing her sitting down, seeing her lovely back. He couldn't see what her eye color was since she was facing the other side. But he knew for sure that there can be no other female for him but her.

During his life, he as a wandering beastmen had been searching for what feels like forever. Searching for a mate, his very own female ever since he came of age, seventeen years ago. And now he is thirty two, who has traveled far and wide to many other tribes along the way.

Yet no female seemed to want him, most would look at him with disgust or fear by his presence.

They would either turn away out of fear or disgust. Despite the constant rejections that weighed him down along the way, it still didn't stop the beast from advancing further in order to accomplish his goal.

But now it seemed that his path came to an end since he found her right before his eyes. His dark purple eyes shimmered in the sunlight. He was in daze when looking at the beautiful female in the distance.

His heart beating faster than before upon seeing her, it made his lips curve into a small gentle smile.

The black panther softly roared to announce his presence to the female as he proudly strutted his way to her.

However, he stopped when he saw the female snap in his direction behind the bushes. She looked at the bush with wary and fearful eyes that made her tremble in sight. It made the panther's eyes widen in shock making him retreat away from her and above the massive trees.

The panther watched the female above the tall trees that loomed down her. He was afraid to go out there and be rejected by the first female who made him feel this way. That it made his heart feel fuzzy whenever he got close to her. He knew that he had to have this female, doing whatever it takes to claim her as his.

He hid and waited patiently for her, as he observed her every move that made his heart strike a beat inside of him. It made his tail flicker crazily like a propeller.

The panther watched in envy seeing his little female rub a creature so lovingly. He lowly growled wanting that kind of affection, that was all he ever wanted in life. He wanted someone to love and care for him. No one, not even his parents cared for him.

He was always alone despite having many litters of siblings and friends around. But they eventually died one by one due to the harsh reality of the world they're living in.

To kill or to get killed the purpose for him and many other beastmen was to survive.

From the beginning he knew that he needed to become stronger  in order to survive. Fighting many wild beasts in the forest and now becoming a (4) tera mark beastmen of today.

He was now at the top of the ranks,no one could ever look down upon since he was the strongest.

"Could she love me back just like that small creature? Please do.." The panther thought.

After waiting for something, anticipation rose beneath the panther as he couldn't wait any longer. He silently climbed down the tree and stalked her from afar.

He saw a twig on the ground and decided to step on it to alert her of his presence.


The twig broke in half making the purple haired female turn to the source of the sound.

Her body froze in sight seeing the enormous black panther that was right by her. It made his heart feel stiff when he saw her this way.

The panther softly growled at her, wishing not to scare her off. He knew that his looks are known to scare females off, but he had to take the chance.

He stopped at a minimum distance as he laid down in the ground showing he meant no harm then transforming into his beast form that made the female shock in sight.

Thanks for reading!❤️❤️

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