Chapter 33: Sweet but dangerous

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Freya POV

For a couple of days, I felt increasingly anxious. I missed my mates so much that, no matter how many times I attempted to escape. Lucas somehow managed to find me! It was mind-blowing; despite carefully plotting multiple escape plans, he would immediately unravel them!

Was he a psychic? How on earth did he know? It was as if he could read my mind!

Especially now, sitting at the wooden table right next to him, I felt defeated once again.

However, I couldn't help but enjoy the food he prepared—dishes I usually order back on Earth! All these foods that Lucas cooked in front of me were my favorites.

From the crispy and juicy fried crunchy pork to a soft bed of fried rice covered in fragrant broth on the side. What made me most excited was seeing him slice up sweet mangos then placing them in a bowl. As I held the fork trying to resist not to fall for his trap I couldn't help but cry inside. How did he know that I was a foodie?! Like all female orcs here, food is one way to a woman's heart but for me it was my stomach! His cooking made my stomach rumble.

My mouth was literally watering as I took one bite of the food. From there I continued gobbling up the food.

I hate to admit it, but it was good—really good! It was the best food I had eaten since arriving here. The dishes Lucas cooked were top-notch, as if he used to be a master chef! The spices he added to the food were so fragrant that their aroma lingered in the air.

As I continued to enjoy the savory food, I turned my head slightly when I felt something touching the side of my cheek. Glancing over, I saw Lucas beside me with his thumb on my cheek.

"Huh?" I thought for a second, confused, only to realize immediately after.

"You've got something on the side of your mouth; let me get it," he said.

I slightly blushed as I saw his thumb wiping off small beads of rice left on the side of my cheek from when I was eating. The moment I heard him chuckle, then smile afterward. My body stiffened. I stood there, giving a petty stare at him, but turned away upon noticing his silver eyes also gazing at me.

"Evil!" I exclaimed, only for him to laugh.

I was about to argue back at him, but instead I smiled back. From all the times I failed to escape the only option was to befriend him enough to let his guard down a little. With enough trust I believe I can escape.

"What did I do wrong? What's the matter, baby~?" he teased.

As I ate, I couldn't help but feel nervous; Lucas's stare at me when eating was obvious. He sat beside me, watching, and sometimes he slid portions of food for me to eat.

"Baby, eat more meat. Here," His large hands grasping the crispy fried pork with two pairs of wooden chopsticks he made himself.

For a couple of days trapped in the cave with him, my initial hatred slightly faded. Lucas wasn't all that bad; he is crazy but strangely easy to get along with.

For a feral like him, I find it odd that he was calm and gentle. Alex and Shino always warned me of the dangers of feral, yet the feral beside me was the complete opposite.

I haven't seen his violent nature, only his cold stares at me and sometimes his threats I received back. But all of those threats and stares at me were reasonable because for the past few days I've been acting like a bitch just to get on his nerves. Sometimes picking a fight with him because I was pissed off that he always figured out my plans. Though my fights with him were yelling and sometimes physical fighting Lucas was calm the whole time.

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