Chapter 50: A war between three!

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3rd POV

The tense atmosphere enveloped the room like a suffocating cloak, silence settling heavily around the four figures. At the center was Freya, her skin marked by the fresh imprint of a green snake—a temporary symbol Lucas had etched onto her back.

Lucas, standing a few paces away, observed the mark with a smug satisfaction, his lips curling into a faint smile. The mark in Freya's back not only gave him happiness but something that he can hold on to.

Across the room, Shino and Alexander exchanged dark looks, their jaws set, eyes narrowing with unspoken bitterness. The air between them was electric, each moment stretching into eternity as they glowered at Lucas.

Sweat beaded on Freya's forehead from the tension in the air. She could no longer bear the heavy silence and the low growls of warning from Shino and Alexander. With a deliberate cough, loud enough to cut through the thick air, she seized their attention. The truth was that no matter how much times Freya wanted all three of them to get along it couldn't happen. Forcing them to like each other would take a long time. For Freya she had to pray that hopefully they get along without her help.

Freya coughed out loud, breaking the tension. Shino, Alexander and Lucas turned to her waiting for what she was about to say.

She smiled weakly, her mind scrambling for words that might soothe the brewing storm. Yet, Freya didn't know what to say. It was too awkward and for once she wanted out of this situation. 

With their attention fixed on her, Freya's voice was soft but clear, "I'm going to take a nap. Like I told all of you before, please get along. Don't be trying to get in each other's necks." Without waiting for their response back, she turned and walked towards the bedroom, her steps light but weary. 

As soon as the bedroom door clicked shut behind Freya, the fragile peace she had momentarily crafted began to crumble. Shino, Alexander, and Lucas remained in the living area, the silence morphing back into something palpable. None of the men moved, yet each stood ready, like coiled springs, their mutual glares sharp enough to ignite a fire.

Without Freya's calming presence, the room felt smaller, the walls seeming to close in around the three males. The growls had ceased, but the tension had not; it simmered just beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at the slightest fight between them. The real battle for dominance and understanding was just beginning.

The eerie silence of the cave was shattered by Lucas's unsettling, maniacal laughter. The sound echoed off the damp stone walls. 

Alexander fixed Lucas with a glare, his eyes narrowing with evident irritation. "What's so funny, Mocking us again?"

Lucas, seemingly oblivious to the growing tension, sauntered over to an old, wooden chair and sat down. He ran a hand through his disheveled green hair, tidying it up a bit. A mischievous glint sparkled in his silver eyes as he stared at Alexander and Shino.

"I wish I had found her sooner," Lucas mused aloud, his voice dripping with venomous words. "Then you two wouldn't have stolen what's mine. Besides, there is nothing about her that I don't know."

Alexander, offended at Lucas's words, made his fists clenching as he took a step forward, ready to retaliate. But Shino, who had remained silent beside him, placed a calming hand on his shoulder urging him not to. With Lucas joining the family, Shino and Alex thought of him as a two face snake. Having two sides the nice one and cunning side to him. 

Shino's voice was steady but filled with a palpable scorn as he addressed Lucas. "Even if you had found her sooner, do you really think she would love you back? Knowing everything about her doesn't mean you understand her. Freya is smarter than you think."

From the start after Freya had left to take a nap, Shino knew that Lucas would start showing his true colors to them, Lucas's true feelings towards Freya's official males. Lucas's words back to them not only had aggression in it but Shino knew the meaning behind it all. It was to test their reaction. Lucas's fun little test.

Shino didn't want to be caught up in Lucas's tricks any longer. Giving in to his little test would only feed his ego more. The only thing he could do is ignore it. With those words, Shino wore his cloak swirling behind him as he headed for the exit, not staying any longer.

"I'm going to practice. Tell Freya I'll bring back dinner tonight," Shino said.

Just before he left, he paused, his voice low and threatening. "And Lucas, don't try anything funny. I'm watching you," he called over his shoulder, not bothering to look back at the smirking Lucas, especially when Lucas bid him goodbye.

"Alright then, buddy, take care" Lucas said sarcastically.

As Shino's footsteps faded into the distance, the cave fell into an uneasy silence, the tension thick in the air like the mist that clung to the forest outside.

Lucas watched him go, a smirk slowly forming on his lips, while Alexander stood rooted to the spot, his mind racing with both concern for his family. Alexander trusted his wife very much but was unsure of Lucas's.

He didn't doubt his wife especially when she bore Lucas's mark. Alexander can see that Lucas was trouble to him and Shino. But another side of him, Alexander can see Lucas's care and affection towards Freya. 


Minutes passed and as Alexander sat brooding, his thoughts tangled with concerns about Lucas. His contemplation was abruptly interrupted by Lucas's deep voice calling him.

Still seated comfortably in the chair, Lucas called out, "Hey, wolf."

The nickname grated on Alexander, irritation bubbling up at the casual address. Lucas's smirk widened as he noticed Alexander's discomfort, evidently enjoying the reaction he elicited.

Trying to initiate a conversation, Lucas leaned forward, his silver eyes narrowing into a glint that seemed to slice through the dimly lit room. "So, how have you been holding up? I-" Lucas began rambling on-

Alexander stiffened, those narrowing eyes sending a shiver down his spine. Despite his outward appearance of calm, Lucas was inwardly apprehensive; he knew well that Lucas was not only cunning but also a formidable 5-mark beastman.

Attempting to sidestep the conversation, Alexander abruptly cut in. "Look, I have some papers to finish," he declared, his voice louder than intended, echoing slightly in the enclosed space.

Without waiting for a response, Alexander transformed into his wolf form, the transformation swift and smooth. With a powerful leap, he dashed out, leaving behind a swirl of disturbed air.

Lucas, left alone in the chair, stared after the departing figure, his expression shifting to one of surprise.

"Eh?" the surprised Lucas thought.

Although they had an aggressive conversation earlier. Lucas only harbored a dislike towards the black cat Shino.

A slight pout formed on his lips as he muttered to himself, "Didn't expect him to run off like that." His amusement at the situation was evident, even though he was left speaking to the empty room.

Lucas rose from the chair and toward the bedroom. His steps were soft against the floor, each one measured to avoid any unnecessary noise.

Reaching the door, he paused for a moment, his hand hovering over the handle before he gently pushed it open. The room was dimly lit, bathed in the soft afternoon light filtering through the curtains. Inside, Freya lay peacefully asleep, her breathing even and calm. 

Lucas's expression softened as he approached her, a rare tenderness flickering across his features. He leaned over her, the affection palpable in his careful movements as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

With a quiet sigh, Lucas softly whispered, bending down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. "At least, I'm not the only one alone. Good thing you're here, baby."

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