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Eater of the eats

~ Guess the Y/N !! ~

Y/N: Literally Nonexistent

1627 words

Rush was slowly approaching the man, and he didn't seem to mind. In fact, the man wasn't even looking at Rush. Too busy pushing his child on the swing.

Rush was walking behind the swing set now, the child staring at him, but the father still minding his business. The other "entities" watched in curiosity. Ambush visibly looked anxious, while Seek seemed more focused on the question; was Rush actually gonna get the first kill?

Rush gave a sadistic sweetheart smile before he inched closer to the father.

Rush was now a foot away from the man. The child, now fully skeptical, was about to start pointing at Rush.

Rush's hands pounce on the father's neck. Rush's fingernails, shoved into the man's throat with all his might. Blood, dripping from both the cut and his mouth. He was gripping Rush's hands, trying to get the "girl" in front of him off his neck. The child, now whining and scratching at Rush's hip, but the child is paid no mind until his father is bleeding out of his throat. His body, convulsing in pain. His lungs were filling up with blood every single second he accidentally inhaled all the blood he'd choke up from his mouth.

Dying. Wide, bloodshot eyes laid before the boy and Rush.

"..D-d.. daddy..?"

Tears forming, his fists clenching and shaking in fear. The child's head, now slowly moving upward towards Rush.

Rush's hands, covered in blood. His blank, emotionless eyes looked in the child's direction, but he couldn't seem to form his regular snarky expression after every kill, in fact, he was frowning.

Rush's lip, quivering. This, this was the first time he's ever felt truly scared. Upset.

He started jogging towards the other entities, still looking down.

Seek: "You actually did it.."

Rush stayed silent, looking down. Almost disappointed, no, traumatized, from his own actions.

Rush has NEVER felt sympathetic, or even empathetic.

Ambush: "Hey, Rush, you okay—?"

Rush: "Can— can we just.. leave.. please? I don't wanna talk about this shit right now.."

Rush says. A slight tear, almost invisible, sprouts from his cheek. It would be completely impossible to see if it hadn't wiped some mascara over his face.

Rush was turned back around to take a last glimpse at the corpse, and his child, lying beside him, holding his hand.

"D..daddy I— I promise I wil.. I will get you help.. Stay with me.."

The kid cried. He BEGGED.

The group begins walking away, Rush and Ambush stay in the back.

Ambush glances at Rush's face. Rush looks back. Ambush smiles to reassure the "girl" in front of him, that everything was all right. Rush began to smile back. Ambush had never seen him smile out of true happiness. Ambush held out his hand, while Rush very swiftly takes it. Each and every step, Rush seemed to be gripping Ambush's hand tighter and tighter until he was fully squeezing it. It hurt Ambush, as they were now literally young HUMAN adult women now instead of monsters that couldn't feel.. But of course, it didn't bother Ambush, as long as he could comfort his best friend.. 🤭

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