Chapter 1: The Old Song and Dance With a Few New Steps

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   As they began their travel to the Koopa Kingdom in the dreaded Dark Lands, the Mario Brothers were ready for anything. At least Mario was. Luigi on the other hand, wasn't as confident. He only went with Mario on a few rescue attempts but they somehow managed to get separated in the castle every time. Over the course of their adventures, Luigi had made it his mission to heal and revive any of Bowser's minions that Mario ruthlessly attacked.

  Some of the Koopa's he attacked were either non hostile or just starting out in the Koopa army. Mario didn't care. He was just focused on beating the big bad koopas and saving the princess. Speaking of, the brothers arrived at a small castle where Mario rushed in with no plan. Luigi had just caught up after giving aid to a Koopa who Mario damn near killed. He carefully mad his way in and saw his brother standing outside a set of large doors ready to kick it down. Luigi had heard a small electronic beat from behind the doors and before he could stop his brother, the doors burst open.

  In the room a small Koopa with a blue Mohawk and a star shape on the side of his head, was playing on a set of turn tables having the time of his life. That was until Mario came up and attacked him. "Mario! He's just a bambino!" Luigi said in shock and horror. Mario didn't listen. After punching and stomping the poor kid, he left. Luigi quickly rushed towards the kid and the kid started scrambling to hide behind his turn tables. Luigi stopped when he saw the kid scurrying and wincing in pain, with a face trying desperately to hold back tears.

Luigi got down on his knees and looked at the kid. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly. The kid pointed his broken want at the human. "Yeah right! Like I believe you-ow!" The kid gripped his sides and dropped his wand. Luigi rummaged through his bag and pulled out a first aid kit, a super mushroom and a 1-up mushroom. "I know you don't trust me, but I want to help you." Luigi said. "What my brother did was wrong, and you didn't deserve that. Especially as young as you are." The Koopa kid eyed Luigi nervously before cautiously comping out from behind the broken turn tables and sat by Luigi.

Luigi immediately began treating the kid. Bandaging his wounds, and fed him the mushrooms. The kid back in his feet hugged Luigi and cried. Luigi hugged him back and patted his shell. "Does anywhere else hurt?" The kid shook his head. Luigi took out a letter and handed it to the kid. "Take this to King Bowser if you can. You guys don't have to trust me, but I want to keep most of your troops and families out of the hospital." The kid immediately understood, taking the letter and going into his own clown car and flying off. "My names Larry Mr.Green guy! I'll tell king dad you helped me!" And with that the kid was gone.

By the time Luigi caught up to Mario, Bowser's castle was in sight. "Cmon weege! The princess needs us!" Mario claimed as he he readied his one man charge. Luigi grabbed his brother's arm. "Must we charge in fratello? He's already expecting us. Why no plan?" Mario just scoffed and took his arm back, immediately charging towards the castle. Luigi reluctantly followed behind, fear gripping him in its usual tight grip.

Mario was already in the midst of battling a bunch of Koopa troopas, goombas, and any other available member of Bowser's army. Some troops left Luigi alone, because he had helped them but others mostly ignored him. He used this opening to go deeper into the castle. Luigi managed to get himself to the throne room where he saw Peach hanging in a cage like a chandelier.

Peach saw the man in green and gave a smile. "Luigi! Where's Mario? Is he alright?" She asked. Luigi felt a slight twinge of hurt. It was always Mario before him. "Yes he's alright. Should be here soo-" in a flash the door was burst open and Mario came rushing through with a bunch of Koopa troopas, Goombas and Dry bones all rushing in and surrounding the duo. Bowser came in behind his troops, smoke coming from his nose. "You gotta lotta nerve, red!" Bowser said, his voice making Luigi slightly cower. "You mangle my troops, break into my castle and to make things worse, ya attack one of my youngest! Guards, get em!" And with that order, the troops immediately charged after Mario with the intent to subdue him. Luigi,on the other hand, had tried to talk to the troops while they repeatedly tried to stab him with their spears.

Mario dodged more attacks and jumped on Luigi's shoulders and began to spin, making the troops back away a bit. "Bro, they aren't worth it! Stop trying to help them! Cover me!" Mario said as he jumped off his brother's shoulders and grabbed onto the cage with the princess inside. Luigi stood there, hands up in fist, ready to defend but not wanting to fight, when he noticed the troops were looking at him with questionable looks. They soon began whispering amongst themselves and it got him really nervous.

When he looked over, he saw Bowser on a knee talking through the crack of the door. Before he could ponder what was happening, Mario ran by with Peach in his arms, jumping on and over enemies, leaving Luigi behind. Luigi ran after them hoping to catch up. But as soon as he exited the throne room doors, he saw Bowser in the corner huddling something in his arms protectively. When the king Koopa looked up, Luigi saw little Larry, with a bandage wrapped around his head and gave him a small wave. Larry waved back with enthusiasm while orders to follow them were issued. Luigi wasted no more time running after his brother and the princess.

Luigi climbed flights of stares through the castle only seeing glimpses of Mario run far ahead. By the time he got to the roof, he saw an airship with the princess' insignia on the sail. As soon as Mario and the princess were on board it began to take of. "Attesa! Wait for me!" Luigi shouted but the engine from the ship muted him to anyone on board. It had go a large amount of feet in the air when Luigi made a big jump. He started kicking his legs as soon as he was off the roof, activating his Scuttle Jump. He was close enough to grab a ledge of the ship, but it gained speed, with enough force to push him back on the roof of the castle.

Luigi watched as the ship left the Darklands, not turning back. He sat there on the roof, tears threatening to come down his face. He grabbed his knees and hugged himself. "He left me again..." Luigi thought. Mario usually left him at home but never in enemy territory. He closed his eyes, sleep overtook him right there, on the roof of the Koopa Castle.

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