Chapter 14: Final Battle! The Beginning of The End! Part One

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Mario and Daisy sat at the table with Toadsworth, E Gadd and Iggy. It took loads of convincing for Toadsworth to let the Koopaling in. After Iggy gave the backstory on what happened, he began to get on board. They didn't have time to hold a proper meeting so Toadsworth gathered the able troops while Iggy and E. Gadd worked on the poltergust duplicates.

In the midst of it all, Morton was just sitting back and watching, not really partaking in the talking, despite having the nickname "Big Mouth." It was when he went to stand, a Koopa troopa rushed in holding a paper. "Prince Morton! We have news!" Morton looked up and Lemmy propped himself on his brother's shoulder. "What's going on?" He asked the soldier. After politely bowing, the soldier continued with his report. "The king sent a message. They have located the queen!"

Morton grabbed both the soldier and Lemmy and squeezed them into a tight hug. He rushed into the meeting room where Iggy, the professor and Toadsworth were beefing the toads on the situation. "Dad found MaPa! Morton happy!" Causing everyone to turn their heads. Mario was first to run up, his eyes threatening tears. "They found him? They really found him?"

The soldier nodded, showing them the parchment he held, which was a map to Luigi's location. Daisy wrapped Mario in the tightest hug he ever felt, while toads began to put on poltergust and load into the princess's reserved airships. Iggy pulled Mario, Daisy, E. Gadd and Toadsworth to the side. "I'll be frank about this. I doubt we're ready." Looking amongst his audience, he continued "But it's the best we've got on short notice. Now, let's depart. No more delays." With no other words, everyone got into an airship, taking off to get back Luigi.

Junior stood on the ships outer deck, watching the beam of light that lead to his mother. Holding his magic brush in one hand, he changed his stance and painted a small picture on the floor. He was too deep in his work he hadn't registered his father's large footsteps approaching. When he finished he stepped to the side to admire his work, when his father lifted him onto his shoulder. "Good job, son. You've painted our family perfectly." Junior just rested his head against his father's, slowly allowing sleep to take him.

After placing his son in a bed, he later saw Larry sleeping with Roy, the latter had his arm draped around the youngest, which made Bowser happy. He went to his seat on the ship's bridge and closed his eyes, sleep taking him.

Deep in the dream world, Bowser was greeted with darkness. Looking around, he took note of a faint green light directly in front of him. "Lu." Reaching out for the light, a hand grasped his. He felt the familiar warmth of Luigi in his large hand. "Bowser. Ho paura. Per favore, non posso più reagire." Hearing Luigi in distress upset and saddened Bowser even more. He's heard him speak his native language plenty of times and is still learning it, but he caught the gist of what he said.

"Mōsukoshi matte, ai. Yakusoku suru yo, ruīji, kimi o tsuredasu yo." Bowser said softly in his native tongue. He could see Luigi's face out of the light with a sad smile on it. Nodding, he pressed their foreheads together and Bowser let out a few deep chirps and clicks that seemed to calm Luigi.

"Watashi wa anata no tame ni kite imasu, watashi no nakama" was the last thing Bowser got to say before the light was pulled away from him.

Waking up, he saw his troops at their stations, and Kamek handing food to his children. "Sire, your awake." With a snap of his fingers, servants brought Bowser food and water, which he took, because he knew he had to be at his strongest. (And Luigi would get at him for not taking care of himself) After eating, he saw that all the troops be prepared for the upcoming battle.

After a while, he a message from Iggy was received. They had finished preparations on their end and they we're currently on route to the rendezvous point. With that news, he began to plan out strategies with Peach and the rest of the war council. "We should wait till all our forces are united. That way, we have our weapons ready for all the ghost we have to fight." Peach said pointing to areas on the map.

Bowser pointed to the area they would be docking. "We should go in cloaked. That way, we could get closer and ambush any stronghold Boo set up." Some agreed, but a magikoopa made him think. "Sire, what if they have magic? They would discover us and take us down." The planning got more and more stressful when ideas where thrown out but shot down by what ifs.

Bowser finally said "NO MORE WHAT IFS! We send a small defensive squad to scope out the area. When Iggy gets here with this vacuums, we distribute them and suck up every ghost we come across." This got the council to quiet down. Peach nodded in agreement. "It's the best idea we've got. We've all got our strengths and weaknesses, so make sure you cover your teammates." With that, everyone dispersed.

"Bowser, we need to talk" Peach said, her face as straight as she could make it. Looking at the princess, he remained standing, awaiting her words. "First, thank you for taking Luigi into your care." She started, "You don't know how much it means to me and especially Mario, that Luigi is safe" With a nod, Bowser kept silent to allow her to keep going. "I also want to apologize, for how we came in. Emotions were high and Mario made them drop the diversion bombs."

"Stop right there Peaches." Bowser held up his hand. "Don't get all mushy on me now. Save it for when we get Lu back. But don't worry, I forgive you." With that, he took Peach's hand and lead her to the ship bridge and left her in her seat. "Your majesty," the pilot announced. "We've arrived." Everyone looked out the windows, a white sanded beach with a rich forest took over the views. It would've looked better if the deeper the forest went the more it died.

The dead forest then opened to a large mansion on a cliff side, leading to crashing waves and jagged rocks below. Junior cringed a bit, being something out of a nightmare. Bowser looked towards the mansion, knowing that's where his mate was being held.

"Land on the beach. Then send the recon team." With that order, the airship began to land, making the final preparations for the battle to come.

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