Chapter 10: Storms Are Brewing

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The royal family were all enjoying a day out in the courtyard. Roy was teaching Morton some fighting forms, Ludwig and Wendy were painting each other's nails, Iggy and Lemmy were just chatting while Lemmy did some flips and tricks, and Junior was playing catch with Larry while his turntables played magically in the background. Luigi was reading while watching the kids have fun and Bowser was right there next to him, happy but his tail twitching.

Cmon you dolt! You have the ring and practiced! Ask him damnit! Bowser screamed at himself in his head. "Everything alright amore?" Looking down at his human, who was looking up at him, his blue eyes pulling him in immediately. "Yeah. It's just.... I've got something I wanna ask you." Luigi put his bookmark on his page and set his book down, giving all his attention to Bowser.

Before he could speak though, a shadow loomed overhead. It caused everyone, including the guards posted outside to look up. "We didn't get a new airship did we?" Iggy asked as he walked over, Lemmy hot on his heels. "No. Not that I'm aware of.." Bowser immediately stood, prepared for anything while Luigi corralled the kids together. The ship launched cannonballs around the courtyard, each of them exploded into pink smoke.

Luigi had tried to usher the Koopalings inside the castle for safety but cannonballs had blocked their path. Terry and a few other soldiers had been stationed outside so they had some good defense, but still. Out of the smoke, a few Toads holding spears stood blocking the entrance. Out of the smoke, Mario and Peach walked out too. "Bowser!" Mario said gaining said person's attention, "I'll give you one last chance! Release my brother!" Peach's face only showed determination, ready for herself and her troops to bring back her boyfriend's brother.

Bowser managed to get what troops he had in a single file line, creating a barrier between them and Mario. "This time red, this ain't what you think it is." Bowser tried to reason, he wanted peace for his family and soon to be fiancé. Mario put up his fist, ready to go. "Lies! Kidnapping the princess is one thing, but my fratello is a whole other thing!" Bowser growled, smoke leaving his nostrils. "First off, I didn't kidnap him." He said staring straight at Mario and Peach. "Last time you came to save her" he pointed at Peach, eyes narrowing to slits "you left him"

Bowser stopped talking to let those words sink in. Mario looked at Peach and laughed. "You must be joking! I'd never forget my bro!" Luigi pushed the kids back as he walked up to the line of Koopa troopas protecting him. Mario saw this and immediately ran to get his brother. Terry pointed his spear at Mario, ready to do his job. Mario used the spear to gain height and crash down on Terry.... If Luigi hadn't caught Mario's foot and threw him down.
"You did forget me Mario...." Mario looked as if he didn't hear that right. Walking past the Koopa line, Luigi helped his brother to his feet and hugged him. "I'm glad you came bro, i really am... but you guys forgot me that day." Luigi felt the tears threatening to leave his eyes.. "I wasn't good mentally for a while till Bowser found me.

Luigi began to tell everyone what happened while he was here, including the few dates they had been on. Bowser watched for any reaction and for any advances in attacks. Luigi pulled away and looked at Peach. "Your highness, I apologize for leaving without saying such. I-I understand if you see me as a traitor, or if any of you see me at all. But my life is here now." Looking at everyone who followed Mario and Peach then back to Bowser. "I can only hope we can forget the past and move on. Maybe create an alliance to better improve the kingdoms."

Turning and walking back to Bowser, Mario got to his knees and started crying. "I'm sorry fratello... I should've listened.." Peach however, smiled "Luigi, only if your happy, and Bowser allows it, I'm willing to forget the past and start a new era." She held out her hand to Bowser. Bowser looked at Luigi, who was helping his brother up and hugging him. Luigi nodded and Bowser smiled softly and nodded. He shook he princess' hand gently. As soon as they let go, more explosions came down around them. They saw Peach's airship had come down a few ways away from them. The guards surrounded themselves around Luigi and the Koopalings and everyone rushed to get inside. Mario used his firehand to lob fireballs at the explosives, Luigi used his Thunderhand to send sparks of electricity to protect the kids.

Luigi had ushered the kids away and as soon as he did some explosives surrounded him blocking him off. Bowser tried to get to him, but he had to grab all his kids and get them away. Out of nowhere, a giant steel ball opened and landed on him. "Luigi!" Bowser and Mario both cried as they ran to get to him. The ball was lifted into the air and dragged off underneath a purple airship. Both Bowser and Mario jumped to catch the ball but it was hoisted away and the ship took off.

All anyone could do was watch as he was taken away, to who knows where.

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