Chapter 11: Operation Save Green

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All Junior could do was watch as his mother was taken from him. He looked to his siblings, looking to see how they were taking it. Ludwig looked stressed, between what seems to be making a plan with Iggy and keeping his siblings somewhat calm. Lemmy was hugging Iggy, his bright bubbly personality now replaced with sadness and tears. Iggy was holding his older yet shorter brother, talking to Ludwig and trying to keep himself totally calm and emotionless.

Morton was holding Wendy and Larry trying not to break down. Wendy was bawling her eyes out and Larry was holding his head, wanting it to all be a dream. Roy was.... angry. He was punching the wall repeatedly. He kept saying "Coward". Junior looked to his dad who was pacing around, smoke coming out of his nose, threatening to blow fire out at any moment.

Looking down on the ground he saw a pile of green. Walking over to it, he got down on all fours and saw it was Luigi's hat. He picked it up and hugged it close, taking in its scent. It smelled like apples and fresh baked goods. Junior started to cry and he walked back to his dad. Bowser noticed his kid and him holding the hat. He scooped him up, gave his kid a hug and sat on the ground.

Peach walked over to Bowser and placed her hand on his arm. Bowser was grateful for the gesture, but was trying to console himself and his son. Mario snapped out of the trance he was in, witnessing his brother taken from him before his eyes and immediately started running towards the wall. "Mario! Where are you going?!" Peach got up and ran after him. He stopped and looked back at her, eyes filled with tears and anger. "Im going to get my brother! I can't let him get hurt again!"

Peach stood in front of Mario stoping him from going on. "Peach, please get out of the way! Lu's in danger!" He said trying to get past her. Peach kept stepping in front of him. "I know your upset but so are the koopas" She got on her knees and held his face gently. "Listen, we need a plan. We don't know who took him, and we don't know where they're taking him. That and we could use more help." Mario calmed down and nodded, understanding. The pair looked over to see Bowser commanding his troops and consoling the rest of his kids.

"Kamek, see if you can get a letter to Princess Daisy. Tell her we need her help. See if she is willing to help." He thought for a second. "Tell her about Luigi. Hopefully that could convince her to help us." With a bow, Kamek disappears to do as he was told. He then turned to his kids and got down on all fours and mumbled something to his kids. Junior climbed onto his head and just hung out up there, wearing Luigi's hat. The rest of the Koopalings climbed onto his shell, using his spikes for leverage and he walked over to Peach and Mario.

Mario instinctively put himself between the Koopa king and Peach, bracing for anything. Bowser glared at the plumber and turned his attention to the princess. "Princess Peach," he began "It would be nice if you could come inside and help me. With yours and possibly Daisy's help, we can bring Luigi home." Peach stood and got from behind Mario. "I would be honored to help you bring him back. He is still my friend."

Bowser turned his stare to Mario, eyes narrowing his eyes. "You are also welcome to stay, but you are to follow the rules we put in place." Mario sighed and agreed, and they all went inside.

After a few hours, Kamek, with Ludwig's help, managed to create safe portals for Daisy and her entourage to come through. First she was happy to see Bowser, then turned furious when she heard her best friend was kidnapped, then got calmer when she found out they were dating and he was seconds away from popping the question. Both Daisy and Peach said to Bowser "If you hurt him, I will end you." Which had scared him he actually ticked his head in his shell a bit.

After everyone had gathered, and refreshments had been placed out, Bowser's table opened up to reveal a holographic map of the lands. Everyone began to try and guess where Luigi could've been taken. Things got slightly difficult when Mario saying it wouldn't have happened if Luigi had been home. It took a lot of soldiers to keep Bowser back from tearing Mario to shreds.

The Koopalings sat outside in the hall, the door cracked so they heard and saw almost everything. Larry had to put his headphones on cause he didn't like it when the adults scream and carry on like that. Morton took to holding his younger brother in an attempt to console him. Wendy and Lemmy just sat there silently. Junior was now wearing Luigi's hat and stood in front of the door. Ludwig, Roy and Iggy came up behind him.

Junior stepped to the side as Roy came up and punched the door open, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU! YOUR GIVING ME A BLODDY HEADACHE WITH HOW YOU GUYS ARE ACTING!" Bowser stopped yelling and looked in the direction of his kids crowded the door. "Father, please, this yelling needs to cease." Iggy stepped forward, pulling his brother behind him and patted his shell as the older kid turned away. "Yes, we understand tensions are high and new developments have come to light, but we have to be calm and level abut this." Everyone watched and Iggy, Ludwig and Junior came to the table. Iggy placed some materials on the table that confused everyone. "After the attack I managed to find some time to analyze the material used in the attack" Iggy began to go into extreme detail of what he found. He even went far to using words the adults couldn't keep up with. With a sigh he dumbed it down. "We need to find Professor E. Gadd. He's the only one who can help us." Iggy used his wand to create a hologram of the professor. Ludwig took this to step up himself, holding some papers that he wrote on. "What he's suggesting is we find the professor so he can create poltergust devices."

"Boys." Bowser came in suddenly, and they looked at him. "How would finding this professor help?" The two looked at each other. "Because mama worked with him before." Junior jumped in. "That and then think they know who took mama..." Junior took the green cap off his head and hugged it. Everyone leaned in asking 'who' or something along those lines. The three koopalings looked at each other and nodded before saying the name of the prime suspect.

"King Boo"

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